• What I know a lot about is: I know a lot about cooking recipes that are mainly considered a healthy lifestyle.
  • What Iā€™m passionate about it: Staying healthy and exercising as much I can when Iā€™m free. I recently started working out, and it helped me a lot to get rid of stress.
  • What I start Googling when I have nothing better to do is: I randomly like watching makeup tutorials. I even try creating new eyeshadow looks.
  • What would make me crazy if someone told me to stop doing this is: Suppose someone told me to stop doing my assignments as my focus is to do them on time. I would go a little crazy because I like starting something and finishing on time.
  • What makes me really angry is: When someone judges you unfairly without knowing the whole story, it makes me angry because some people like making unnecessary comments and acting their know everything.Ā