Jacquelyn Blain

Health and Fitness

There are hundreds and thousands of discourse communities you decide to be apart of. Mine just so happens to be fitness and wellness of the human body. This mainly comes from me being an athlete and wanting to stay fit and as healthy as I can be at all times. Helping others in any shape or form is a huge internal accomplishment for me as well. Your physical appearance should be something you’re always confident about no matter the day or time. Gyms are a great thing to access even though it might be a tab bit pricy during these times. If not, attending a public park or field is equivalent. Looking great will definitely make you feel great and with fitness this will help in many ways.Β 

1 Comment

  1. Jacquelyn Blain

    This is a good general topic, but for this assignment, it would be best if you can take us into a specific gym or two where you work out. We’ll talk about this in class, but showing us your community in action and how they talk is absolutely the best way to give us insight into it.

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