Junot Diaz excerpt Oscar Wao had many interesting and questioning things for me. For example, the excerpt, states ” No matter what its name or province, it is believed that the arrival of Europeans on Hispaniola unleashed the fuck’s on the world, we’ve all been in the shit ever since.” I find this interesting because each country has its beliefs as to why bad things happen. I wonder if the Europeans unleashed a curse that was left in Santo Domingo. I also wonder how bad could this curse get, how many effects caused this curse, I wonder who got to live this coursed Is this curse still in Santo Domingo affecting people’s lives in today’s world. Through the excerpt is understood why Diaz considered Fuku a curse to the world. There was a man who had total control over the country he went by Trujillo and he was known by El Jefe, Te failed cattle thief, and fuck face. He was considered the man who came up with this curse. This curse was put in whoever plotted against Trujillo or who did not respect him. Understandably, people dealt with this curse because he was an evil man who did evil to Santo Domingo leading to people not liking him. Ending up with those specifics to get the curse. Something really interesting I found was that the United States was who killed Trujillo on May 30, 1961. During that date, Jhon F. Kennedy was president meaning he declared for Trujillo to get killed. The curse says whoever plots against him will get the curse AND BE misfortune. John F. Kennedy was assassinated on November 22, 1963. This was 2 years later after killing Trujillo. If this ancient story of this curse is real then I will believe it.