Jacquelyn Blain

Junot Diaz-Shakhzoda Obidova

The excerpt “The Brief Wondrous Life of Oscar Wao” by Junot Diaz was a little difficult to understand therefore I had to read some paragraphs several times because I didn’t really understand . For example when i was reading the first paragraph it talks  about Fuku which was a curse doom of the new world .Later in the paragraph it mentions “In Santo Domingo,the Land he Loved Best,(what Oscar ,at the end ,would call the Ground Zero of the New World” .I thought that Fuku was originated in Santo Domingo,Dominican Republic but since i didn’t understand what the paragraph was really saying i read it several times and the first sentence of the first paragraph “They say it came first from Africa,carried in the screams of the enslaved “ made me wonder what that first sentence meant. I thought fuku was just a curse but  in paragraph 3 , it states that “Everybody knew someone who’d been eaten by a fuku,just like everybody knew somebody who worked up in Palacio.” in addition to “No one knows whether Trujillo was the curse’s servant or its master,it’s agent or principal..”.Apparently Trujillo was a dictator during the 20th century in the Dominican republic,he did so many brutal things and dealt everything with violence. My question was what does Trujillo have to do with fuku? What made people wonder that Trujillo was the curse’s servant or it’s master,it’s agent or principal?Overall the excerpt was very interesting. 

1 Comment

  1. Jacquelyn Blain

    Those are good questions. Does fate control us, or do we have any control over fate?

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