Jacquelyn Blain

Junot Diaz-Kerrim Beggs

In Junot Diaz the thing that I found confusing is that it seem that the fuku affected everybody in the Dominican Republic which caused them to think that Trujillo had a part to play in the so called curse that people said happen but if it was just the weather changes was unpredictable around that time and everything that happened was just a coincidence due to Trujillo being in power and the so call curses happening. Something that Oscar said that confused me is that “It was believed, even in educated circles, that anyone who plotted against Trujillo would incur a fuku most powerful, down to the seventh generation and beyond” I feel as though they created the fuku as a way to control people into submission. I feel like the writer was trying to depict how Trujillo used the fuku as a way to secure this leadership through the use of manipulation. A particular passage that was difficult was,” No one knows whether Trujillo was Curse’s servant or its master, its agent or its principal ” because how was it only Trujillo that was about to use the fuku power as they say. Another thing I’m confused about is if everyone has a so-called fuku experience, how are they alive isn’t it supposed to be so powerful that no one could withstand it? How are there so many people who have a story to tell? It’s somewhat relatable because in the Caribbean their so much stories about curses and the effects it has on everybody and their saying would be like β€œoh if you don’t go to sleep early in the night this person gonna come get you or if you out too late you’re gonna hear someone following you and when you turn around no one gonna be there.”

1 Comment

  1. Jacquelyn Blain

    Lots of good questions. Here’s one: was fuku invented to control people into submission, or was an idea that was already out there simply picked up and used to control them?

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