Things that confused me the most was the first part of the passage where they say “ They say it came first from Africa, carried in the screams of the enslaved; that it was the death bane of the Tainos, uttered just as one world perished and another began” this threw me off because I had no clue what they were talking about. Slowly I started understanding as they were trying to explain who they were as a person and what people thought about him as a person. His love for the Dominican Republic and his love in general. It might be a bit confusing for those who don’t really speak the same language as he does, he was judged for not being the same as other Dominican’s which leads him into a dark stage. I’m still a little confused about the name “Fuku” because such a powerful name practically meant that people had to suffer if they don’t follow the rules of anyone who is in power. What caught me surprised in the passage when they stated “ I have a twelve-daughter uncle in the Cibao who believed that he’d been cursed by an old lover never to have male children. Fuku. I have a Tia who believed she’d been denied happiness because she’d laughed at a rival’s funeral.” I wouldn’t want to live like that knowing I’d be living in fear, for my future family. People’s powers can really impact a person’s way of living.