With a family of seven, learning to get along with one another and building a strong bond is something that my parents had really emphasized in our household. We were told that at the end of the day, regardless of any issue we had, we were stuck with one another and had to have each other’s back. Family nonetheless is something that has significantly impacted my life. I am always in contact with family and would sometimes even consider  them as my friends. Additionally, since I am the youngest, I would also consider some of them as my mentors. From learning how to use an oven to learning a good work ethic and much more, they have shaped who I am. To this day, family is one of my core values. I prioritize maintaining a relationship with them and continue to grow and learn with them. 

One of my future goals that pertains to my family in particular is to earn a good income and eventually achieve financial freedom. I want to have the opportunity to take care of my parents and family like they have done for me. I hope to assist them financially and eventually fully take on that responsibility. This way, working is not a burden to them but rather an option for them to do something out of passion. Another goal of mine would be to buy a larger house. There are so many of us so a bigger house could be useful. Some smaller goals include traveling together. Traveling will add to our experiences and hopefully be enjoyable. 

Writing and communication are essential skills in many fields. When you have meetings on a daily basis or even talk to people and send emails regularly, your skills are constantly going to be tested. By working to improve your communication and writing skills now, it can make you a more favorable applicant in the future. Additionally it can open up opportunities for you to move up. Personally I hope to become more effective in communicating when it comes to responding to someone’s emotions, persuading someone, and giving an explanation. In terms of writing I hope to write more concisely and cohesively. I also hope to expand my vocabulary and actively use them in my writing.