Hello , my name is Shakhzoda. This is my second year at city tech and I’m majoring in hospitality management.  The video and the article hit me so close to me because I can also relate to it.Ever since I came to America ,I’ve pronounced my name wrong for the sake of making it easier for others.In middle school my classmates used to make fun of my name because of the way it was pronounced .  Some people find it very hard when they are trying to pronounce my name which I don’t blame them ,but it is in fact a little annoying  when you’re constantly trying to correct them every time but they still get it wrong. That is why I let them call me by my nickname but some people still can’t even get that right . Almost everyone around me calls me by nickname except my family members. I’m not saying I don’t like it but it feels nice when they say my actual name. Sometimes even my friends forget about my actual name it’s not because they can not pronounce it but because of how they are so used to call me by my nickname .My friend thought my name was Shazi the whole time until she realized it wasn’t my actual name. She was so shocked to find out it was not my real name .I was  a little hurt because I thought about how other people probably think the same way. I don’t want to be known as “Shazi” for the rest of my life just for the sake of people who can’t pronounce my actual name right.Â