Jacquelyn Blain

Introductions – Mahmoud Bakr

My name is Mahmoud Bakr, I am 19 years old and this is my second semester at city tech. I am majoring in computer information systems. The choice behind my major is the passion I have for technology. Ever since I immigrated here from Egypt at the age of 8, I was able to see how technology integrated in society can be very beautiful and dangerous. This observation planted my curiosity towards the tech field at a very young age. In regards of the video and the article, I found it extremely relatable and I believe its a universal experience for many first generation teens and to immigrant teens. When I first immigrated here and realized how much I stand out I decided to give up many parts of my identity in order to feel a sense of belonging. That included the pronunciation to my name , what I eat, what I say, and how I interact with people. The sense of belonging and happiness I would get of being able to interact with people in a foreign society was always overshadowed by the guilt and bitterness I felt. I despised ice breakers in school because I would have to pronounce my name in a way that others would prefer and that was a reminder to myself of the betrayal I felt to my heritage. Still as a 19 year old I struggle with identity problems daily but the difference now is that I am aware of them and I am always striving of being unapologetically my most authentic self.

1 Comment

  1. Jacquelyn Blain

    Very hard to be your authentic self these days, isn’t it? I guess the point is that you try! And I love what you said about tech being beautiful and dangerous both. Couldn’t agree more…

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