Jacquelyn Blain

Self Identity

Something that stood out to me during my reading on perusal is that despite being born into a Muslim household, Zayn Malik did not allow that to alter who he is as a person. Following certain western traditions in America were frowned upon in the Muslim home. Despite the faith he was born into, he allowed himself to be free. For example, the article mentions that there is a video of him smoking weed; this act may be viewed as shameful given the fact that he is a Muslim. Zayn perhaps goes against how society expects a Muslim to behave in order to maintain his self-identity.
Based on our ethnic backgrounds or religion, society expects us to look a certain way or have certain attributes. I think that sometimes these attributes should not cause people to assume things about someone’s identity. For example, society expects Mohamed to have certain features since he is Arabic. His beautiful blue eyes seem to be abnormal for an Arabic man, he indicates this when he says, “which parts of your ancestory have you stolen”. The fact that Mohammed has blue eyes and looks a certain way, people assume that he is a white man. Society appears to be surprised by his name because the name “Mohamed” does not match with his appearance.

1 Comment

  1. Jacquelyn Blain

    I love your post! Great job playing with the different things to put in one. Nice comments, too.

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