Jacquelyn Blain

Garry’s Introduction

Hi my name is Garry Pelzer Jr. I’m majoring in Communication Design and this is my second semester in City Tech College. The video and article engraved into my mind that your identity as a young human will stay with you throughout your lifetime. I know it’s true that everyone grows up and changes their ideas and beliefs but the roots of everyone will always be within. I’m 19 years old now, and I know that doesn’t necessarily mean I’m still a kid but at heart, i definitely am. Growing up, I enjoyed my fair share of Disney movies and shows, video games, and pieces of clothing that help me express who I am and what I like. My family enforces me to continue being my true self no matter and there’s no doubt in my mind that I will change for any human being. I try to encourage others to do the same because it brighten ups my day when someone else is doing great things for themselves.

1 Comment

  1. Jacquelyn Blain

    Good for your family! And as for growing up, my daughter says I’ve never actually made it past 9 years old. I’m afraid she’s probably right. And I don’t care!!!

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