Faculty: The general grading policy for Bio 1101 can be found below. It includes the grading scale and specific participation requirements. Please add how students can find their grades (Blackboard or OpenLab’s grade book). Delete these instructions when you are done.

Your grade for the course is computed by adding 50% of your lecture average to 50% of your lab average. A student must pass BOTH lab and lecture in order to pass. A failure in either component will result in a final grade of F for the course.

There are four lecture examinations which each cover one quarter of the lecture work as indicated in the outline; these are announced at least one week in advance by your instructor. 60% of your lab grade is derived from your quiz average (at least 5 quizzes). 10% of the lab grade will be derived from at least one full scientific lab report. The remaining 30% of your lab average is based on the quality and completeness of your lab work as indicated in the Attendance policy.

ALL GRADES ARE COUNTED; NONE ARE DROPPED NOR ARE THEY CURVED. NO MAKE-UPS ARE GIVEN EXCEPT AT THE DISCRETION OF THE INSTRUCTOR PENDING SUBMISSION OF WRITTEN PROOF OF REASON FOR ABSENCE. All medical documentation must be submitted by the student to Student Accessibility Center (SAC) in L237 (on the second floor where the Library & General Buildings meet). SAC will review the documentation and provide a letter for the student to share with the instructor if accommodations are warranted.

Letter GradeNumerical Range
F59.9 and below
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