Professor Joshua Belknap | Co Req ML | Spring 2023

Writing Activity: 4-27-23 Why Chinese Mothers are Superior

Read the passage and write an essay responding to the ideas it
presents. In your essay, be sure to summarize the passage in your own words,
stating the author’s most important ideas. Develop your essay by identifying
one idea in the passage that you feel is especially significant, and explain its
significance. Support your claims with evidence or examples drawn from what
you have read, learned in school, and/or personally experienced.
Remember to review your essay and make any changes or
corrections that are needed to help your reader follow your thinking. Post your response to the reading passage here, or hand in a paper copy with your name on it in class today.


  1. Tatiana K

    Successful kids is always good in any country or culture, but I agree with Western Moms in passage 3. Sometimes stressing children may not always bring them success. Every child has it’s own level of capacity, and if they want their children to grow, develop and not be harmed they have to increase knowledge level the right way. Children have to be motivated, and if pushed then in a way of convincing, by explaining why studying is important for their future so they don’t start hating study one day. Basically my idea is that every child has it’s own approach and parents needs to feel that and help harmless instead of pushing, because of their dreams that never came true maybe, or because everyone else’s children are going to be smarter or because other desires they personally have. A happy children is a successful children in the end of the day. And what can be more important for a parent than to see yout child happy!?

  2. Denisa

    The author has raised the issue related to the practice of raising children in “Western” society and

    “Asian” society – China in particular. Seeming to be discontented, she critically argues that “Western” parents are highly anxious about their children’s self-esteem; she claims that this change in their parenting is relatively new.

    She thinks there are three big differences between the Chinese and Western parental mindsets: Western parents are extremely anxious about their children’s self-esteem, Chinese parents believe that their children owe them everything, and Chinese parents believe that they know what is best for their children and, therefore, override all of their children’s own desires and preferences. 

    How it happens, she explains that Chinese parents make rules for their children regarding what children are allowed to do and never allowed to do.

    Chinese parents are also aware of the fact that children on their own never want to work because things are always hardest at the beginning. They cannot decide what is good for their career and what is bad for themselves.

    They believe that nothing is fun until you are good at it. It means children can never feel easy to do anything if they do not attempt and get that done. They think that after being good at things, the children can build confidence and Chinese parents understand that nothing is fun until you are good at it. Unlike them, Western parents do not want to compel and force them to achieve or pursue things. They tend to give up if their children do not feel comfortable, but there are no such words as “give up” in the dictionary of a Chinese mother.

  3. Duc Giang

    Summary-Respond “Why Chinese Mothers Are Superior”

    In the article “Why Chinese Mothers Are Superior” Amy Chua argues that the strict and demanding parenting style commonly associated with Chinese culture produces high-achieving children who excel academically and professionally. It is true that mother is rigorous because they don’t want their children to lose face to everyone around them. For me, it is a fact that although I am not Chinese, I know that communist countries are very strict, especially in the education of their children.

    Chua talks about her parenting approach, which entails having very high standards for her kids’ academic and extracurricular accomplishments and adopting rigorous punishment and tough love to ensure they succeed. I agree with her because the mother wants their children can go to the best College/University in the country. The mother wants them to study every day to achieve the desired numbers “Even when Western parents think they’re being strict, they usually don’t come close to being Chinese mothers. For example, my Western friends who consider themselves strict make their children practice their instruments for 30 minutes every day. An hour at most. For a Chinese mother, the first hour is the easy part. It’s hours two and three that get tough.” This quote shows us that mother Chinese very strict when Western parents see how mother Chinese treated like that. In my opinion, the mother Chinese doing like that because they think practice is the better way to do it, it makes them easy to successful when they practice it every day. For example, in my country(Vietnam) children have to study 6 days a week and come to school expecting elementary school. They study from 7:30 am to 4 or 5 pm every day, and they have to take extra lessons after school until 9 pm. The children don’t have time to take a rest or play. Furthermore, mothers who place great importance on grades even though their children get 8 or 9 are still unhappy. For mothers, a score of 10 is a perfect score for them.

    She draws a comparison between this and what she sees as the excessively indulgent and permissive parenting styles of Western countries, which she feels causes underachievement and a lack of discipline in kids. I disagree with Chua because the children need rest or time to play. I understand that being strict is good but we should give children a break after each lesson to let their brains relax. “In one study of 50 Western American mothers and 48 Chinese immigrant mothers, almost 70% of the Western mothers said either that “stressing academic success is not good for children” or that “parents need to foster the idea that learning is fun.” By contrast, roughly 0% of the Chinese mothers felt the same way. Instead, the vast majority of the Chinese mothers said that they believe their children can be “the best” students, that “academic achievement reflects successful parenting,” and that if children did not excel at school then there was “a problem” and parents “were not doing their job.” This quote shows that studying a lot can affect health the opinion of Western Americans but mother Chinese don’t think it is true. For example, I have seen the news about how too much studying can affect their health. They feel pressured by their mother through their studies and this makes them uncomfortable. They choose death to escape that harshness. I know that studying is good but we have to choose the time to study and choose the time to take a rest.

    Overall, the article “Why Chinese Mothers are Superior” by Amy Chua is a fact for me. I understand that every mother doesn’t want her children to be successful. But they must know how to manage their children scientifically and make them happy every day.

  4. carlagarcia

    The passage “Why Chinese Mothers Are Superior” by Amy Chua presents a controversial argument about the cultural differences in parenting styles between Western and Chinese cultures. Chua argues that Chinese mothers, who are known for their strict and demanding parenting style, are superior to Western mothers because they produce more successful and accomplished children. Chua uses personal anecdotes and cultural observations to support her claim that Chinese mothers have higher expectations for their children and are more willing to push them to their limits in order to achieve success. She contrasts this with the more permissive parenting style of Western mothers, who she claims prioritize their children’s happiness and self-esteem over achievement. One significant idea in the passage is the concept of “tiger parenting,” which refers to the strict and demanding style of Chinese parenting that Chua advocates. Chua argues that tiger parenting is effective because it instills discipline and a strong work ethic in children, which leads to success in academics and other areas of life. However, this idea is controversial and has been criticized by some for being too harsh and potentially damaging to a child’s emotional well-being.The significance of the concept of tiger parenting lies in its reflection of the values and beliefs of the Chinese culture, which places a high emphasis on education and achievement. While this parenting style may not be suitable for everyone, it is a reflection of the cultural values that shape parenting practices. Furthermore, the success of tiger parenting in producing high-achieving children raises questions about the effectiveness of more permissive parenting styles in achieving similar outcomes. While the idea of tiger parenting is controversial and may not be suitable for all families, it raises important questions about the role of parenting in shaping a child’s future. Ultimately, the most effective parenting style will depend on a variety of factors, including the child’s personality, cultural background, and individual needs. However, it is clear that the cultural values and beliefs that shape parenting practices play a significant role in determining a child’s success and achievement.

  5. Bryan Hernandez

    In this text we can see how Chinese mothers are more demanding and applied when it comes to making their children more focused on their studies and practice.  in the second paragraph where the mother makes her children practice at least 30 minutes a day.

    We can also see how 0% of these mothers disagree with the idea that “stressing academic success is not good for children” or “parents need to foster the idea that learning is fun”. This just shows once again that they expect more to perform and learn, not just to have fun with these things all the time.

    I think that an important idea of the author in the text is to demonstrate the main reasons why people have this stereotype that Chinese mothers are more superior or in some way more strict and responsible. I also agree with the idea that Chinese mothers can come to think that if something is not fun until you’re good at it. However, I disagree a bit with this belief because I think that the point of doing something well is to have fun in the process, discovering how  to do it. I also agree with the idea that if students do not do well in school with their grades and classes there may be a bit of parental blame, but this does not mean that parents are responsible for the actions of their children. In my opinion I do not believe that Chinese mothers are superior, however I believe that their parenting method is based more on demanding a little more responsibility and determination from their children, and that it is their responsibility that their children reach high levels of learning and techniques that can always take them further. I also think that they could take to heart that if their children do not reach those levels of self-improvement, it will have been their fault or simply that something has failed in the way of raising their children.

    As I mentioned before, I do not agree with the idea that Chinese mothers are superior, however I believe that there are mothers who demand more from their children and themselves. In my personal experience, I have witnessed how mothers from other cultures demand more from their children, either academically or socially. I have  realized that some mothers demand more from their childrens and overprotect them,while others do not expect as much from their childrens and give them more freedom. In conclusion I don’t think Chinese mothers are superior, but I think they have a more demanding way of raising their childrens.

  6. Freddy Cen Liang

    While it is true that Chinese parents often place great emphasis on academic achievement, it is not accurate to say that all Chinese parents raise their children in the same way, or that their parenting style is inherently superior.

    There is simply no perfect way to raise children in this world. I have lived in China, and it seems to me that many young parents are now learning more about the Western way of raising their children, and why is that?

    The way of education is definitely, definitely the environment is more influential. Although China is very big and can be ranked second, but the population density is very exaggerated. There are 1.3 billion people in just one country, plus some foreign international, and illegal residents you can think how scary it is. So not everyone has a job in China, the competition for jobs is really too much for western countries. It’s hard for people who don’t live in China to imagine such a picture.

    In these situations, we can find out why and how Chinese mothers still have a crazy way of education. The children are forced to have almost no childhood. But the parents’ idea is just for the children to have a good foreign and job. After those who are strictly educated children grow up with this, now China will slowly appear to learn the Western way of education. They know the importance of childhood, not this is learning

  7. Zakaria

    Hard way is the way I was though while growing up in Burkina Faso in west Africa. Most of the time people tends to see that as punishment to kids, those people are always people from different backgrounds or even country an example of that will be some friends of ours that we’re living in Paris which they were all kind of surprised by what we told them on how we get beat up almost every single day at school . As a person that went through this I use to think I was being punished but then I started to think it’s it’s not because the parents never had a problem with us getting beat up at school . Now that I’m grown I see it as a way of life on learning because it’s had teach me a lesson which was I never wanted to get beat up so I always stayed to know what we’ve study the day before so I won’t get punished which helps me a lot to be able to get my grade in. “What Chinese parents understand is that nothing is fun until you’re good at it” I agree with this statement because I personally believe that Nothing is never easy until you understand an example of that could be working out you will not get to see muscle until you understand that you will have to put more work in though the weight you lift and food you eat like how much attention you will have to give to everything you consume also the amount of sleep you will get to be able to develop the muscle to grow faster.

  8. Sandra

    “Why Chinese Mothers are Superior” is an article written by Amy Chua that was published in The Wall Street Journal in 2011. The article discusses Chua’s strict parenting methods, which she claims are influenced by traditional Chinese parenting techniques.

    Chua argues that Chinese parenting is superior to Western parenting because it emphasizes strict discipline, academic excellence, and respect for parents and authority figures. She describes how she raised her two daughters with these values, pushing them to excel in academics and music, and limiting their social activities.

    Chua acknowledges that her parenting style may seem harsh to Westerners, but she believes that it produces better results. She also argues that Western parents are too focused on their children’s self-esteem and emotional well-being, at the expense of their academic and professional success.

  9. Darianny Morales

    In the article “why Chinese mothers are superior” by Amy Chua, she talk about how parents of Chinese children care about their children’s academic development and how seriously they take their children’s academic development by making them study or practice for 1 or 2 hours, in addition Chinese mothers always expecting the best from their children. 

    Chua talks about how studying is fun until you’re good at it “what Chinese parents understand is that nothing is fun until you’re good at it.” And also she highlight “ to get good at anything you have to work,” and maybe she says that because when students have that pressure to always be the best that is what drives them to always improve their skills. And maybe that’s why Chinese mothers do it, not because they want their children to feel pressure but because they expect them to take their studies seriously and have no distractions because when the children see that their parents expect the best from them, they will want to do their best. But even though I do not feel this is the best option to tech children because that does not mean that they are not still children, that they have the right to be free and not take life so seriously since there is a moment for everything.

    In addition, it is better to let the children do what they like and not put so much pressure on them because when the child grows up and sees the opportunity to leave the house, he will do it because of the stress that his parents put on him. all his childhood. “This often requires strength on the part of the parent because the child will resist… but actually well.” Also, when the child grows up, he will have that in mind to be the best in everything he does, so he will lack empathy and he will always want to compete to be the best in everything, so that stress of wanting to always show it. that he is the best will always be present as it was in his childhood.

    In conclusion, from my point of view it is better for the child to grow up without that stress from a young age that Chua talks about. In addition, everything is age-appropriate, so the child will take responsibility as he grows up and will know what his priorities are if the child has a good upbringing.

  10. Tanvir Zaman

    Amy Chua argues in her essay “Why Chinese Mothers Are Superior” that Chinese women have a unique parenting style that produces kids who are more successful and meet higher criteria of accomplishment. Chua asserts that Chinese mothers are strict and demanding and place a high value on work, discipline, and achievement. They encourage their children to achieve in sports, music, and school by holding them to high standards and without tolerating weak excuses or failure. Though some of what she says is true, it’s important to be aware of the negative effects of this approach, including stress, anxiety, and an unhealthy focus on success. Additionally, not all Chinese mothers follow the same parenting style, and cultural differences are not absolute or fixed. Ultimately, what matters most is not the cultural or parenting style, but the love, respect, and guidance that parents provide to their children.

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