Professor Joshua Belknap | Co Req ML | Spring 2023

Anecdote (story, narrative) 4/20/23


When you write narratives, use dialogue, frame dialogue, develop concrete, specific details, use verbs precisely and use your senses. Show, donā€™t tell.

Definition of anecdote- a usually short narrative of an interesting, amusing or biographical incident.

In this speech, Tan uses anecdotes about herself and her mother and her family. Discuss with a partner what makes these anecdotes effective? Make a list and we will share the list. Use verbs precisely Add dialogue Use your senses. Add concrete detail to create a scene. Build a scene

You are going to write anecdotes about your own reading and writing life. Think about your own reading, writing or speaking life. Think of an anecdote from your own life. Write it down. Use what we found effective about the Tan speech in your own writing. Share what you have written with your partner.

Post your narrative/anecdote here.


  1. Zakaria billa

    hoooo hooooyyy Guess what man we just got or butt whoop by this dude for no Dammn reason. So the story went like this . Itā€™s was in the village, one day after we finish school early and we were on our way home, we meet this little guy that was eating some fresh peanuts

  2. carlagarcia

    Once upon a time, there was a 12-year-old girl named Carla who lived in New York, United States. Carla loved living in New York, with its tall skyscrapers, bustling streets, and endless opportunities. She had a loving family, great friends, and a comfortable life. However, Carlaā€™s life took an unexpected turn when her family decided to move to Azogues, Ecuador.

    At first, Carla was devastated by the news. She couldn’t imagine leaving her home, school, and friends behind. However, as the days passed, Carla began to see the move as an adventure. She started researching Ecuador and Azogues, and she was fascinated by the culture, the people, and the landscape.

    When Carla and her family finally arrived in Azogues, she was struck by the beauty of the Andes Mountains that surrounded the town. Carla quickly adapted to her new life, making new friends, learning Spanish, and exploring her new surroundings. She loved the slower pace of life in Azogues and how close each community was with each other. 

    One day, Carla new friends invited her to a local festival, and she was amazed by the vibrant colors, music, and dancing. Carla realized that there was so much more to the world than she had ever known before.

    Over time, Carla fell in love with Azogues and its people. She embraced the new experiences and opportunities that living in a new country provided her. Carla learned to appreciate the differences and similarities between the United States and Ecuador, and she realized that there was so much beauty in the world.

    Eventually, Carlaā€™s family moved back to the United States, and while she was excited to see her old friends and home, Carla knew that a part of her would always belong in Azogues. She kept in touch with her friends there and continued to practice her Spanish, and she cherished the memories and experiences that had changed her life forever.

  3. Denisa

    4 years ago I was on my way to work. Usually I took a 30 minute walk from home to work. Finally I was almost at work. I had to wait for the light to turn on, so I could cross the street. While I was waiting, a food delivery guy with a motorcycle came and hit my legs with his motorcycle wheels. He looked at me, said sorry and sped off on his motorcycle.

    On the other side of the street there was a police patrol just looking at the scene right in front of their eyes and did not do anything but continued to have conversation with each other.

    Iā€™ve never felt more frustrated and angry than that moment. Thankfully I didnā€™t get hurt and I continued working that day normally.

  4. Freddy Cen Liang

    When I moved out of my cousin’s house, I was living in a small room in the house of my friend and his girlfriend, whose name was Jay. but unfortunately, they unfortunately broke up two months after I lived there. I moved 3 or 4 times in that year.

  5. Darianny Morales

    It was a day like other day where I was with my best friend Rafalvic. We used to play with our doll or buy some candy to give to our neighbors or to do our makeup done ( we do not have idea how to do our makeup) but that day we were so bored with nothing to do that we decided to recreate the movie of the white snow so then when we finished to film our ā€œmovieā€ we find a dog chihuahua with their puppies. My best friend start to call the chihuahua ā€œlook how beautiful you are and how beautiful your puppies are.ā€ It look like the chihuahua does not like complements because the chihuahua started to run towards us. My heart dropped but my best friend started running and I stay like ā€œ

  6. Duc Giang

    When I came to New York, I and my mother goes to the park. I spent a few hours playing basketball with some people there. When I and my mother leave, I saw a boy playing alone in the park. Without hesitation, my mother invited him to join us for the rest of the day. I and I played together for a long time. As I and my mother left the park, my mother asked him if he would like to come over to my house. I saw his face very excited and agree to come to my house. My mother knew that I didn’t have any friends when I came to New York and it made me feel better in my life.

  7. Heylin D

    I have one story about maybe 3 years or 4 years ago in the summer I went on vacation with my mom and my little cousin. One day we were going to my other cousin’s house to visit but my mom had to make a stop at the corner store. The streets were narrow so there wasn’t that much space on the sidewalk, as I step back my cousin got in the way and I tripped and fell and got really embarrassed that I started crying. I even got judged my two boy’s who saw the scene. My cousin got yelled at. Looking back me my cousin find that memory very funny.

  8. Tanvir Zaman

    Once upon a time, I was out grocery shopping and had a sudden urge to try some exotic fruit. As I looked around the produce section, I spotted a peculiar fruit with spiky brown skin that resembled a medieval weapon. Curious, I picked it up and examined it closely. Suddenly, I felt a sharp pain in my hand as one of the fruit’s spines had stabbed me! I let out a yelp, attracting the attention of other shoppers who gave me strange looks as I frantically tried to remove the spike from my hand. Feeling embarrassed, I tried to casually walk away, but the pain was too intense, and my hand started swelling. In a panic, I rushed to the customer service desk and explained what had happened. The kind employee promptly calls for a medical team to come to my aid. However, this caused a commotion in the store. People were now gathered around me to see what was going on.

  9. Sandra

    Once upon a time I was walking to the train station and I was going right then a guy was going the same way I was and we at least stood there for the past 2 mins and we finally went our direct without bumping into each other.Me and the person talked and said I go this way and he goes that way.Once we went our way we just started laughing.

  10. Tatiana K

    I remember in summertime, me and my brother we were always home alone, parents used to go to work but two of us didn’t have school and we stayed home. Our Mom used to write us a list of what we must do during the day, washing dishes, cleaning the house, cleaning outside the house. House was big, and we also had domestic animals to take care of it and to feed them. Day was flying by and we never did the list Mom gave us. My brother had always a bunch of ideas how to play, what to play with, he used to make a lot of toys and all transport devices existent with wheels (like bikes and skateboards). He was a ā€˜ā€™geniusā€™ā€™ and the most insecure person, I was afraid to try any of his ā€˜ā€™inventionsā€™ā€™ but this guy used to push me to do that, he used to say he will teach me not to be afraid of anything:))) I am very glad that today I am healthy and alive and we can remember all these ”amazing” stories with a smile. I had a great childhood Thanks to my brother. I would never do it again.

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