Professor Joshua Belknap | Co Req ML | Spring 2024

5/13/24: Final Project Modality

Write a letter describing your Unit 3 project, including the genre/mode that you are planning on. What is the topic of your final project? You might start out, “My project is about….” And go on to articulate what evidence you have to back up your ideas, what parts still feel rough to you about your ideas.

Remember that the mode you choose will be that which you feel will most effectively communicate your ideas to the specific audience you want to reach. Reflect on the writing that you have done so far.

  • What personal investment do you have in this issue?
  • Why does your argument matter?
  • What counter-interpretations might work against your emerging claims?
  • What are you struggling with most as you approach the draft?
  • How does the mode you are working in aid (or complicate) your answers to these first questions?

Post your Unit 3 ideas here in the comment section below.


  1. Valentina Martinez

    My project is about Bangladesh and the 2013 Rana Plaza disaster. My personal investment in this topic is that the garment industry is part of my career, I feel that I have the responsibility to educate myself and others about the problem of the industry in that way we don’t repeat the same mistakes over and over again. My argument Matter because, I investigate a lot about the topic, I have a general idea of the problems so I can speak confidently about it. A counter-interpretation that might work against my claims, maybe are the feminist arguments about this topic, I mentioned a writer who have a feminist idea about what happened, but I don’t look at it in that way. I’m mostly struggling with the creation of the podcast, when I need to talk in the podcast, I have some problems using the right words, and I needed repeat many times. This mode helps me to approach to develop my ideas, while I’m speaking in the podcast it helps me to think in new ways about the topic.

  2. Giselle

    • The personal investment that I have in this issue is that this is something that I want to focus on and learn more about because I at first never thought that this was happening, so I want to learn more about the tap water that we’re drinking off.
    • My argument matters because I believe that we should make a difference to the water pollution to improve our drinking ways so that we can drink clean water instead of contaminated water.
    • The counter-interpretations that might work against my emerging claims is maybe the people who are against it and think that nothing is wrong and that theirs no reason to make changes.
    • What I am struggling the most as I approach my draft is writing who do I want for my audience because I didn’t really thought about it much and I didn’t really know who could be my audience. Also, I didn’t really know what to write why did I chose infographics or believed that this was a good option for my audience to understand.
    • The mode that I am working complicates my answers to these first questions because I didn’t know what to put and didn’t know how to answer it to look understandable.
  3. Caleb

    My final project that I am writing about is global warming, climate change and the effects it has on the United States. The genre I chose to use is infographics. I got my evidence from sources that research on global warming and climate changes including the effects it has on our ecosystems and the human race. Also I chose to use infographics to reach my audience who are in the industrial sectors and also in the field of mining of natural resources.

    1.The personal investment I have in the project I am constructing is the time I spend researching the evidence I am using and also why global warming and climate change is affecting the United States and also the ecosystem including human beings. 

    2.My argument is important and matters because global warming is a very serious problem that is affecting the United States and the whole world and precautions have to be taken so that we do not end up destroying our ecosystem and the only planet we are living on.

    3.Some counter-interpretations that might work against my claims is that some might not admit to it that the manufacturing industries and also big factories that produce car tires and other goods including the space industry will not admit to it that they are also part of the reason why the is more global warming and the depleting of the ozone layer causing greenhouse gasses.

    4. So far everything is going fine with my writing. I just want my audience to be able to understand my point of view of the causes and dangers of global warming and climate change to our health.

    5. The mode I am working on helps in my first question by supporting my ideas with evidence and also choosing the right genre to complete my project.



  4. marias

    My project is about The social controversy over fur in fashion (Animal cruelty in the fashion industry). I chose infographic.

    • What personal investment do you have in this issue?

    My personal investment in this issue is about my major, my career is about the fashion industry and I think it is very important to talk about it and try to raise awareness and change the industry.

    • Why does your argument matter?

    My argument matter because I’m exposing a issue that is very noticeable.

    • What counter-interpretations might work against your emerging claims?

    Counter-interpretations might work against my emerging claim that the animals are not humans so they don’t matter.

    • What are you struggling with most as you approach the draft?

    Have the correct information.

    • How does the mode you are working in aid (or complicate) your answers to these first questions?

    The questions help me analyze my project.

  5. Farhan

    The final topic of my project is going to be about impact of remote learning. This is project going to explain how badly remote learning impact students mentally and physically.

    I don’t have personal investments, but I understand the significance of remote learning. It’s been a significant shift in education, affecting students, parents, teachers, and administrators worldwide. Remote learning has its advantages, like flexibility and accessibility.

    The impact of remote learning matters for several reasons because it also comes with challenges, such as the lack of in-person interaction and potential disparities in access to resources also remote learning can affect students’ mental health and social development.

    Against the claims about the impact of remote learning, some counter-interpretations could include remote learning has its challenges, such as disparities in access and social isolation.

    Remote learning is hard because we don’t get to see each other in person. This makes it tough for teachers to know if we’re understanding things or if we need help. Some of us also don’t have good internet or devices to learn online. At home, there are lots of distractions like noise or chores, making it hard to focus. Plus, we miss out on talking and learning from our friends. For teachers, using new technology and keeping us interested can be tough. But if we work together, we can find ways to make remote learning better for everyone.

  6. achraf belli

    My project is about the current occupation in City college and How it’s related the 1969 occupation in the same college. It an interesting topic for me especially one of the purposes of this occupation is stopping the US government supporting Israel military with money and weapons, that’s mean stopping them from killing innocent civilians over there.Specifically my audiences are my classmates , trying to help them understand what’s going on the campus of CUNY now and back to 1969 when the same thing happened but different demands but the same concept. Also I wanna show them how our voices matter as a college students.My personal investment in this issue firstly I try to make a podcast means be in the field interviewing protesters trying to get more information about the encampment but it wasn’t that easy, so I change my genre to a news article.My agreements matter because I’m talking about a trending and interesting topic so I used a credible information and sources.I’m struggling the most with is that the students’s voice matters and the freedom of speaking , also reminder people about the unfair war in Palestine and how Us government supporting that.

  7. Junior Chamblain

    My unit 3 project is about female soccer team my personnel investment I have in this issues is  to find the possibility that women in sports can get the encouragement that they are supposed to get with all the support and even take advantage of these advantages for the next generation so that the same value that men’s sports teams have so that women can have it too in In the future, I can benefit from this and my cousin who is playing in Haiti’s national football team can also get the same advantage and I will learn more because I am a good fan.

    My argument mater is for women to earn the same as men in soccer because it is a matter of rights, and it is a matter of equality they are supposed to be appreciated just as we men are appreciated in the world of sports.What counter-interpretations might work against your emerging claims?it’s people who always want to show superiority and inferiority in the sports movement, there are still debates saying that men bring more money every time a competition is held, there are more people who come to look at their hands without looking at the hard work.

  8. Kevin

    addiction to electronics at an early age 

    I personally haven’t had an investment on this topic myself to help people but I have an addiction to my electronics.


    My audience are kids and teenagers, specifically kids who get electronics at an early age.

    I think my argument matters a lot since nowadays kids are addicted to electronics. I think that kids should not have electronics at an early age since it hinders some aspects in their life like their social skills. 

    A counter interpretation that might work against these claims is that people could think that teaching kids how to use electronics early on could help them in the future but I think that kids can learn how to use them later on in life after getting a better understanding in general more effectively even without learning early on I don’t see many benefits in kids getting electronics at an early age. 


    I don’t have any struggles at the moment. 

    My mode is written mode (articles/websites) I will a newspaper article like presentation I think this will help me since I could put a picture and information at the same time.

  9. Afrin Akter

    As a student learning about earthquakes, I don’t have any personal investment in the topic. However, understanding earthquakes is important because it helps me stay safe and informed about natural disasters.

    My argument about earthquakes matters because it can help others understand why earthquakes happen, how they affect people and the environment, and what safety measures to take. This knowledge can save lives and protect property during earthquakes.

    Counter-interpretations against my claims might suggest that earthquakes are random events and cannot be predicted or prevented. Some might also argue that the cost of earthquake preparedness measures outweighs their benefits.

    As I approach the draft, I struggle most with organizing my thoughts and ensuring that my explanations are clear and easy to understand. I want to make sure that all the important information about earthquakes is included in my project.

    Being a student means I’m curious and eager to learn, but I might not know as much about earthquakes as someone who studies them professionally.

  10. Tariq M. Elfgeeh

    My latest project to write about is that racism at football stadiums remains a huge problem, and reflects wider societal issues. Despite the efforts of sports clubs and institutions, racism still occurs in stadiums, affecting players and fans alike. I struggle most with organizing my thoughts and make sure how to slides in order. Being a fan of football means I’m worried about how to ensure there is no more racism in the football world. The beautiful game should be a space where everyone, no matter about their background, they can come together and enjoy the sport they love.

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