Professor Joshua Belknap | Co Req ML | Fall 2023

10/30/23: Social Media Writing Activity

Do you use social media?

If so, what apps do you use?

How old were you when you started using them?

Why did you choose to join?

Were your parents involved in your decision?

If not, why have you chosen not to use social media?

Read the article “New Facebook App for Children Ignites Debate Among Families,” then tell us:

— In your opinion, how young is too young to use social media?

— What are some of the drawbacks and benefits of introducing technology at an early age?

—Does it interfere with family life and children’s personal time to process social interactions and get to know themselves?

—Or does it help young children connect with others and learn to use social media safely in a controlled environment?

— Over all, do you think apps like Facebook’s Messenger Kids will do more harm or good?

— Should parents be worried about their children’s privacy and the way Facebook may collect and use data from the app? Do you think Facebook is acting in the best interests of children? Or itself?

Post your response here, and let me know if you have any questions.


  1. Daria

    Yes, I do use social media and I love it.

    I use Instagram, Telegram, and Pinterest.

    I started using social media when I was 11 years old; a classmate showed me how to use them.

    My parents didn’t know much about social media at that time, and we had some issues when I was 13. They were concerned about what I was exposed to on social media. However, as time passed, my mom became my little fan.

    During the start of Covid, I chose not to use social media. I was in a sort of isolation and decided to make that time as productive as possible. I didn’t use it for a year and a half. I think taking a break from social pressure is a good thing. Now, I can do it for a week or two, not for a year haha.

  2. Jguarango21

     Social Media Writing Activity

    Do you use social media?

    Yes, I do. Not because I want to but because I feel obligated to do so. The reason is because it’s the only way I can communicate with friends and family.

    If so, what apps do you use?

    Only Instagram and WhatsApp.

    How old were you when you started using them?

    I had my first social media account back in 2014 when I was around 13-14 years old.

    Why did you choose to join?

    Because my friends had it, and it was a way to communicate.

    Were your parents involved in your decision?

    Of course, they didn’t want me to have a social media account just yet due to the fact of the dangers of online.

    If not, why have you chosen not to use social media?

    I use it.

    In your opinion, how young is too young to use social media?

    I have to say ages under 14 are too young to use social media.

    — What are some of the drawbacks and benefits of introducing technology at an early age?

    Well as stated in the article social interaction can become an issue later in life. In the present people already have social interaction issues.

    —Does it interfere with family life and children’s personal time to process social interactions and get to know themselves?

    Of course, it does, while they’re focusing on what’s online and not what’s in front of them may affect the family.

    —Or does it help young children connect with others and learn to use social media safely in a controlled environment?

    Not really, that’s why there’s school, for social interactions and how they can confront the world. Also, there are issues such as hackers or exploits where strangers can talk to these kids.

    — Overall, do you think apps like Facebook’s Messenger Kids will do more harm or good?

    Harm in my opinion as mentioned, low social life, not learning how people feel and think in person.

    — Should parents be worried about their children’s privacy and the way Facebook may collect and use data from the app? Do you think Facebook is acting in the best interests of children? Or itself?

    Honestly no, I can say that in this world there is no privacy online. Everyone’s data has been collected.  Should they be worried, yes if you let them at such a young age. Facebook is acting for itself and the money they can profit from it.


  3. MD Azizur

    Do you use social media?

    Yes, I do use social media.

    If so, what apps do you use?

    I use Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, Tiktok, and more.

    How old were you when you started using them?

    I began using social media when I was around 20 years old.

    Why did you choose to join?

    I joined social media because it’s informative, allows me to connect with people worldwide, discuss various topics, and is entertaining. It also provides the option for buying and selling through marketplaces.

    Were your parents involved in your decision?My parents weren’t directly involved in my decision.

    If not, why have you chosen not to use social media?

    I do use social media. I use apps like Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, and Tiktok. I started using them when I was around 20 years old. I joined because it’s informative, helps connect with people worldwide, and offers entertainment. My parents weren’t involved in my decision.

  4. Jimin Yoon

    Do you use social media?

    Yes, I use social media.

    If so, what apps do you use?

    I use Instagram, Snapchat, and WhatsApp.

    How old were you when you started using them?

    I don’t remember exactly, but I used it since middle school.

    Why did you choose to join?

    I think I decided to use social media because people around me started to use it too.

    Were your parents involved in your decision?

    No, they were not involved.

    If not, why have you chosen not to use social media?

    Read the article “New Facebook App for Children Ignites Debate Among Families,” then tell us:

    — In your opinion, how young is too young to use social media?

    I think since middle school exactly 8th grade is the time when kids should use social media, but younger than that I think is not good for the kid.

    — What are some of the drawbacks and benefits of introducing technology at an early age?

    Drawbacks to starting social media at a young age I think it’s there no social interaction from a young age. Kids are all day on the screen, and that could be an addiction too, and distract you from hobbies, and studies. The only benefit is that kids could message each other through the phone, and I think that’s the only benefit.

    —Does it interfere with family life and children’s time to process social interactions and get to know themselves?

    Yes, I’ve seen kids spending more time on their phones than with their families.


    —Or does it help young children connect with others and learn to use social media safely in a controlled environment?

    Social media is a dangerous environment for kids, and social interaction should be in their schools, not on the screen.

    — Overall, do you think apps like Facebook’s Messenger Kids will do more harm or good?

    I think it would harm them, again messaging behind the screen, and not having a social life in their real life.

    — Should parents be worried about their children’s privacy and the way Facebook may collect and use data from the app? Do you think Facebook is acting in the best interests of children? Or itself?

    If the kids are very young parents should be worried, but if they are old enough parents should give privacy to their child. 

  5. Fairlay

    I used social media very often. The apps that i use are Tiktok, Instagram and Twitter. I started to use instagram at 14, i started using tiktok at 15 and i started using twitter at 16. The reason i chose to use social media was because my friends told me to join and also because i was very bored. Using social media made me less bored. My parents were not involved in my decision to use social media.

  6. Rojina

    1- Absolutely I use the social media.we live in a word using too much technology stuff going around.

    2- I used many app Instagram, telegram, Facebook ,WhatsApp and YouTube. but I’m not fan for all of them.

    3- I started using social media when I’m 19 years old since 2014.

    4- I started use the social media to contact with my family when I came to USA.

    5- For me my parents before I came to USA they disagree for us to use social media because of the dance. that back to us as any parents scared about their child.

    6- If I’m not using the social media I would say it more better for us to focus with our live more knowing each other better.

  7. Fairlay

    In my opinion, i feel like 10 years old is young for social media. I do not think there are benefits of introducing technology at a young age. However, some drawbacks of using social media at a young age is that kids would have less face to face interactions with other kids way less. Kids could also end up on the wrong side of social media and see very terrible things. I think social media usage at a young age only interferes with family life and children’s personal time to process social interactions and get to know themselves if they are on social media for a long period of time per day. If they are not on social media for very long, i do not think social media would interfere with family life and children’s personal time to process social interactions and get to know themselves. I think apps like facebook messenger kids will do more good than harm because it will protect the kids. An app like facebook messenger kids will mean that kids would interact with kids instead of kids interacting with people way older than them on other social media app which is why i think it will do more good than harm. I think facebook is doing this in the best interest of themselves because if millions and millions of kids use the app that means facebook will make more profit. A company like Facebook is always looking for ways to make more profits and an app like facebook messenger kids has potential of being very profitable for facebook. I also think parents should definitely be worried about their child’s privacy and in the way facebook collects them and use data from the app because it could potentially put kids in danger.

  8. Emely Morales

    Do you use social media?

    Yes, I do use social media

    If so, what apps do you use?


    How old were you when you started using them?

        Probably like 14 years old. I started using Facebook but I don’t anymore.

    Why did you choose to join?

      I actually don’t remember why, there’s a probability that there wasn’t a reason to joint.

    Were your parents involved in your decision?

       Yes, my mom helped me back to that time. 

    If not, why have you chosen not to use social media?

    In your opinion, how young is too young to use social media?

             Between 1 to 12 years old. 

    What are some of the drawbacks and benefits of introducing technology at an early age?  

    The drawbacks about it is that children lose their nines where they should learn to socialize with the other children but they prefer to be on the screen everything wasting they time watching videos that aren’t good for them 

    Does it interfere with family life and children’s personal time to process social interactions and get to know themselves?

    Yes, it does!

    Or does it help young children connect with others and learn to use social media safely in a controlled environment?

         I would say also it does help them connect with others but sometimes no in a safely way. 

    Over all, do you think apps like Facebook’s Messenger Kids will do more harm or good?

    As these times ARE and this generation I think it would be and is harmful to children.

    Should parents be worried about their children’s privacy and the way Facebook may collect and use data from the app? 


    Do you think Facebook is acting in the best interests of children? Or itself?

    Acting for itself; since they get a lot from people who use them. There is nothing that prevents children from seeing things they shouldn’t on Facebook, connecting with pedophiles or people who wants to take Advantage of then etc…

  9. Akobir

    Do you use social media?

    Yes, I do 

    If so, what apps do you use?

    Telegram, Instagram, YouTube 


    How old were you when you started using them?

    I was approximately 14 years old 

    Why did you choose to join?

    We had a class group chat in Telegram, that’s how it started 


    Were your parents involved in your decision?

    Not really, because I wasn’t doing anything wrong 

    If not, why have you chosen not to use social media?


    Read the article “New Facebook App for Children Ignites Debate Among Families,” then tell us:

    — In your opinion, how young is too young to use social media?

    In my opinion, kids should not use social media until the age of at least 14 

    — What are some of the drawbacks and benefits of introducing technology at an early age?

    I see no benefits of that “technology” because, if we start letting our children use social media at an early age, what happens to their education?

    —Does it interfere with family life and children’s time to process social interactions and get to know themselves?

    Not necessarily, they just don’t need it at that age 


    —Or does it help young children connect with others and learn to use social media safely in a controlled environment?

    No, they don’t need it 

    — Overall, do you think apps like Facebook’s Messenger Kids will do more harm or good?

    It will not harm nor be good, but it will negatively affect children’s educational progress  

    — Should parents be worried about their children’s privacy and the way Facebook may collect and use data from the app? Do you think Facebook is acting in the best interests of children? Or itself?

    Parents must worry and be concerned about their children’s privacy because, at a young age, their brains can’t fully differentiate bad from good 

  10. Daria

    In your opinion, how young is too young to use social media?

    To my way of thinking being considered “too young” is typically around 10-13 years old. However, to be honest, the perspective has shifted significantly. When I was growing up, I didn’t have any knowledge about social media, so my childhood was without this concern. Nowadays, children are exposed to it from an early age, making it challenging to impose restrictions. This might lead them to feel left behind compared to their peers. Therefore, I believe it’s important to guide children on how to use social media to their advantage and help them understand what content is more beneficial.

    — What are some of the drawbacks and benefits of introducing technology at an early age?

    Benefits of Early Tech Use:

    Learning Fun: Tech can make learning more enjoyable.

    Info Access: It helps find lots of information.

    Being Creative: Tech lets you make cool stuff like art and games.

    Drawbacks of Early Tech Use:

    Less Playtime: Too much tech can reduce time for playing outside.

    Safety Concerns: Sometimes, kids might see things they shouldn’t.

    Need for Balance: It’s important to use tech wisely and not too much.

    —Does it interfere with family life and children’s personal time to process social interactions and get to know themselves?

    In our time, social media can actually introduce you to self awareness, there are a lot of people psychologists, meditation teachers, and a lot of smart people in general. Therefore, I believe social media can be a formidable force for kids and teens, one that requires guidance. Parents can play a pivotal role in helping them navigate this digital landscape, taming the “beast” and ensuring its constructive use. It’s not about social media itself, but rather how we choose to harness its power. 

    —Or does it help young children connect with others and learn to use social media safely in a controlled environment?

    Once again, if used wisely, social media can facilitate many positive experiences. It’s all about striking a balance between the virtual world and real life. Personally, I’ve connected with numerous people through social networks whom I eventually met in person, and we’ve remained friends for many years.

    — Over all, do you think apps like Facebook’s Messenger Kids will do more harm or good?

    As I see it, the world is changing rapidly, and it’s beyond our control. The only way forward is to adapt. You should invest more time with your children while you still have the chance. They’re growing up so quickly, and while they’re open to you, it’s crucial to share as much love and knowledge about the world with them – what’s right, what’s wrong, and why. When they eventually start branching out and spending time with peers, whether on social networks or not, they’ll already know they are loved. They’ll also be able to discern what’s truly important in life. Even if they take a wrong turn, they’ll find their way back, because you’ve instilled in them the most vital things – love and an understanding of life.

    — Should parents be worried about their children’s privacy and the way Facebook may collect and use data from the app? Do you think Facebook is acting in the best interests of children? Or itself?

    I believe that, primarily, Facebook prioritizes its own interests. Secondarily, it looks out for children. As for data concerns, it’s the reality of our world, and we can’t entirely avoid it. However, when it comes to children’s privacy, I would work on building trust with them. This way, you can have an open conversation about viewing their social networks, assuring them that there’s nothing to fear and that they can trust you

  11. Anja Rrasa

    I do have social media and I use apps like instagram, snapchat and tiktok. I first started using social media when I was 13. I choose to join since most of my friends had social media. My mom created a facebook account with my name and my brother’s name on it and we both would use it to talk to our friends. My mom was able to look at all of my messages with my friends. In my opinion from ages 1-12 is too young to use social media. Even if the parent is posting pics of their kids I think it is still too early to have a social media on your kids account. Photos can be seen by anybody and there is a lot of people who mean harm. When kids start using technology early, they can learn more stuff and get better at using computers. But it’s important to watch out for spending too much time on screens and not talking to others as much. It can sometimes interfere with family time and kids’ personal development. Spending too much time on screens can take away from face-to-face interactions and self-discovery. It’s important to have balance between tech time and real life experiences. I believe that technology can help young children connect with others and learn to use social media safely in a controlled environment. It can provide opportunities for communication and learning, as long as there are rules to stay safe online.  I think apps like Facebook’s Messenger Kids can do more good than harm. They provide a safer and controlled environment for kids to connect with friends and family. It’s important to have parental guidance and set limits to make sure it is a positive experience. I think it’s important for parents to be cautious about their children’s privacy and how data is collected and used. I’m not sure if facebook is acting in the best interest of children but it’s always good to stay informed and make decisions based on what feels right for your family. 

  12. MD Azizur

    1. In your opinion, how young is too young to use social media?

       The article discusses Facebook’s introduction of Messenger Kids, an app for children aged 13 and under, which has sparked a debate among families. In my opinion, children between the ages of 3 and 9 are too young to interact with social media, while teenagers aged 13 and above are more appropriate for social media use. The article raises questions about the potential benefits or drawbacks of introducing technology to very young children.

    2. What are some of the drawbacks and benefits of introducing technology at an early age?

       The article highlights drawbacks, such as concerns about children having personal time to process social interactions and mature. On the other hand, it points out benefits like children adopting technology as an inevitability, possibly with guidance and controls to shape their engagement.

    3. Does it interfere with family life and children’s personal time to process social interactions and get to know themselves?

       Some parents in the article express concerns that early exposure to technology could interfere with children’s personal development. They believe children need space to process social interactions and develop as individuals.

    4. Or does it help young children connect with others and learn to use social media safely in a controlled environment?

       Others in the article appreciate the controlled environment provided by Facebook’s Messenger Kids, believing it can help children connect with others safely and learn to use social media under parental supervision.

    Regarding privacy concerns, the article doesn’t delve deeply into this aspect, but it’s a valid concern. Parents should be cautious about how Facebook collects and uses data from the app. Facebook’s interests may align with growing their user base, but it’s essential for parents to ensure that their children’s privacy and data are protected.

  13. Brinny Cruz

    Do you use social media? No

    If not, why have you chosen not to use social media?  I don’t know, but I think it’s because I don’t like publishing what’s going on in my life. If I go somewhere or do something I prefer to keep it to myself. But you can still have social media and not post your private life.

    In your opinion, how young is too young to use social media? Under 13 is a very young age to have social media.

    What are some of the drawbacks and benefits of introducing technology at an early age? Some drawbacks that expose them to many dangers and benefits in my opinion helps them know more about technology and how to use it safely with parental supervision.

    Does it interfere with family life and children’s personal time to process social interactions and get to know themselves? I think there is a point when you start using social media where you become addicted and that can affect the time you spend with your family or interact with people in person.

    Over all, do you think apps like Facebook’s Messenger Kids will do more harm or good? Depending on how they use it it can be either good or bad.

    Should parents be worried about their children’s privacy and the way Facebook may collect and use data from the app? Do you think Facebook is acting in the best interests of children? Or itself? If the children are very young, their parents should be worried. Children can upload something they shouldn’t. Facebook and many other apps collect your data so in that case there is nothing to worry about. Facebook acts for its own benefit.

  14. Rojina

    1- Absolutely I use the social media.we live in a word using too much technology stuff going around. 

    2- I used many app Instagram, telegram, Facebook ,WhatsApp and YouTube. but I’m not fan for all of them. 

    3- I started using social media when I’m 19 years old since 2014. 

    4- I started use the social media to contact with my family when I came to USA. 

    5- For me my parents before I came to USA they disagree for us to use social media because of the dance. that back to us as any parents scared about their child. 

    6- If I’m not using the social media I would say it more better for us to focus with our live more knowing each other better.

    • Despite all the benefits we receive from social networking sites, it is a double-edged sword. Social media use can negatively impact the public through distraction, disrupted sleep, common bullying, unrealistic views of other people’s lives, and peer pressure. There may not be much relationship to social media use. 
    • 1 Eye strain causes staring at computer and phone screens, a long list of eye problems including burning sensations, changes in color perception or blurred vision. 

    2- Qu #2 the passive effect. 

    • Relationship problems. 
    • Poor sleep. 
    • Back and neck pain. 
    • Lack of privacy. 
    • 6Inappropriate content. 
    • 7 Danger of obesity. 

    Benefits of using technology for children 

    1-The child’s scientific development 

    2- Developing their social communication skills 

    3- Acquire the skill of research and setting priorities 

    4-Learn responsibility.  

    QU #3/ As for me, as I raise a generation, it is difficult to understand the generation that thrives on a lot of technology and is prevented from using it, but they must be censored if it is not the social networking sites that they put up, but I always keep track of what my children watch. 

    QU #4 / Messenger Kids is a free and safer app for kids to connect, communicate and play with family and friends. 

    QU5#5 /. parents should be  worried about their children’s privacy and the way Facebook may collect and use data from the app You manage our child’s experience on Parent Dashboard, including choosing which features they can use and controlling their contact list. 



  15. marylin

    There are many ways by using social media as a way to connect with people around our nation or for our source of entertainment. Out of many apps I’ll usually use instagram, twitter or even youtube. It’s been a long time but from what i remember i started using social media at a pretty young age later on i start to familiarize with it since i just realized i’ve been using it everyday, in all honestly i believe my parents didn’t really mind because eventually i would curiously adopt to it later or just discover it.

    “New Facebook App for Children Ignites Debate Among Families,”article:  I believe when it comes to social media and young users, I think there has to be a certain appropriate age to use the media and it has to do with part of their own self esteem and safety purposes. By introductioning technology at a young age it can be a very beneficial way to understand the usage of technology and overall gaining experience. However there will be times where it can interfere in our own personal lives and social connections due to long consuming screen time as it can become a huge distraction especially when they are at the time of age development, they’ll unfortunately become attached to it, i would be helpful  interacting anonymously through the internet, however the complete opposite by reality. Apps like messenger and making an exact app aimed for kids does make a difference (based on age) however it’s still a part of social media and the kid will still be attached to it, depending how they’ll use it. When it comes to privacy, especially on facebook, parents shouldn’t just worry about their children’s privacy and data being collected but as well as their own privacy as well, we should all know by now that no social media will give that sort of privacy and safety because those are one of the main points that define social media.

  16. Susana

    Do you use social media?

    Yes, I’m use social media

    If so, what apps do you use?

    The apps that I am using are Instagram and  Tik tok.

    How old were you when you started using them?

    I started  using them when I was 16 years old

    Why did you choose to join?

    I choose to join because all my friends are using them.

    Were your parents involved in your decision?

    My parents were not involved in my decision. 

    Read the article “New Facebook App for Children Ignites Debate Among Families,” then tell us:

    — In your opinion, how young is too young to use social media?

    In my opinion, I think 12 years old is too young to use social media

    — What are some of the drawbacks and benefits of introducing technology at an early age?

    The drawback of introducing technology at an early age is overindulgence in technology, which can lead to a disconnect from social connections. Also, there are many security risks on the internet. The benefits are they can learn how to use technology.

    —Does it interfere with family life and children’s personal time to process social interactions and get to know themselves?


    —Or does it help young children connect with others and learn to use social media safely in a controlled environment?

    I think It doesn’t do much for children to connect with others.

    — Over all, do you think apps like Facebook’s Messenger Kids will do more harm or good?

    I think it will do more harm to the children. 

    — Should parents be worried about their children’s privacy and the way Facebook may collect and use data from the app? Do you think Facebook is acting in the best interests of children? Or itself?

    In my opinion, if the childrens are young, parents should be concerned about their children’s privacy and the way Facebook may collect and use data from apps. I think both, but they will prioritize their own interests.

  17. Fernando Fernandez

    I use social media and the apps I use most are instagram and whatsapp. I was 13 years old when I started using them. My parents bought me a cell phone when I was 13 because they said I was old enough to get one so I could call them when I was out, and also my friends had phones and I wanted one because they were all using cellphones at that time. I think 8 years old is too young to use social media because my cousin 8 and he sometimes he be telling me to find him girls and the mom just don’t care and i can’t imagine the things he be doing there and my female cousin is 12 and she was talking with a teenager, so it might be that 12 is too young or some kids need better parents. The Benefit of using social media is that kids can call their parents when they’re at school. I think Facebook messenger kids is a good app if you are thinking of giving a phone to your kid because it’s safe. But find a way to restrict some apps because he will still get in them. 

    Should parents be worried about their children’s privacy and the way Facebook may collect and use data from the app? Do you think Facebook is acting in the best interests of children? Or itself?

    It’s the same for adults, apps can collect data from you too if they do for kids. So it’s not safe for anyone. 

  18. Dave Desrivieres

    Yes, I use social media, and I enjoy it. and honestly, I used every social media network. the time that I first used social media is when I was about 10 to 12 years old, when my old pals showed me and introduced me to it. Therefore, 8 or 9 years old is, in my opinion, too young for social networking. So, my parents were unfamiliar with social networking at the time, and we ran into some difficulties when I was ten years old. They were worried about what I saw on social media, and they still had the flip flop small phone from before. Especially, my siblings, on the other hand, grew to be my staunchest supporter over time. I do not believe that introducing technology to children at an early age has any benefits. One consequence of using social media at such a young age is that children will have considerably fewer interactions with other youngsters. only by using cellphones. To be more specific, Children may also find themselves on the wrong side of social media and witness horrific events. If youngsters spend an extended period of time each day on social media, I believe it merely interferes with family life and their own time to absorb social interactions and learn about themselves and their surroundings. Furthermore, Technology, in my opinion, may also assist young children engage with others and learn how to use social media safely and under supervision. (Parents) The internet can provide opportunities for learning and communication as long as parents set rules for staying safe when utilizing it. Overall, based that I have read I think that Facebook will neither damage nor benefit children, but it will have a negative impact on their educational advancement. It focuses on the background of how those young children use those internet sites. 

  19. xin chen

    i staeted use social mediawhen i was 8 years old, i use instagram, facebook, i choose to join them because all people arounds me join the social media. my parent was not allow me to use social media because they felt theres too much scammer in the internet. 

    — In your opinion, how young is too young to use social media?

    in my opinion, there is never a specific age to consider a person is too young to use social media, the most important is that they able to know the advantages and disavantages of social media, other than that are just their decisions.

    — What are some of the drawbacks and benefits of introducing technology at an early age?

    the drawback is that kids might be attracted to the internet and spend most of their time on internet instead of in real life. the benefit is that they could use social media as a convinience wat to contact with people and see the world from the social media.

    —Does it interfere with family life and children’s personal time to process social interactions and get to know themselves?

    it does interfere with family life because they will spend less time with their family .

    —Or does it help young children connect with others and learn to use social media safely in a controlled environment?

    it does help yound children connect with others and use the social media safely.

    — Over all, do you think apps like Facebook’s Messenger Kids will do more harm or good?

    i think those aps will do more goods to kids, they help kids know more about the world and connect with people, also a wat to release the stress from the real life. 

    — Should parents be worried about their children’s privacy and the way Facebook may collect and use data from the app? Do you think Facebook is acting in the best interests of children? Or itself?

    i believe the parent should be very worrie about their children’s privacy and facebook does not acting in the best interests of children because its very easily to find the unknown people in the instagram. 

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