Professor Joshua Belknap | Co Req ML | Fall 2023

9/6/23: Core Values: Writing Prompt

CORE VALUES: being creative / artistic • family • friendships • political engagement • independence • learning and gaining knowledge • athletic ability • community • culture • music • spiritual or religious values • sense of humor

  • Write for at least one paragraph about one of your core values (some examples are given above.) What does the importance of this value in your life say about you?
  • Write for at least one paragraph about how this value relates to your goals for the future.
  • Write for at least one more paragraph about how improving your writing and communication skills will help you achieve these goals.

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  1. Emely Morales

    For me family is the most core value in life. When it comes to the family we talk about love, support and loyalty, it is one of the best representations of what can be valued the most. It is importan since nowadays everyone need someone to lay down on, everyone has their own problems and need someone to be there for them, help and support them in the process. 

       This values not only can’t be helpful for me in the future also in the present since I start looking to improve me and get my goals. My family been pushing me to get it even when Im feeling that I don’t have the motivation to keep going. A example of this would be when I graduated from school, I thought Id come to college right I way but that didn’t happened. I had to past for a long way to finally start doing my pre-required classes that are requiered to start my major. In that process I was feeling I couldn’t do it, and I still do but my mom always being there to give her hand and support. 

    However, that long way that I had to come thruogh studying English made me get better and improved in school also in my social life. The facts that I got a lot of help to get where I am right now made me motivate to finish all my goals. Writing would be one of the most critical thinking that I have a problem with because I can communicate and understand but when the time of putting my thoughts in a essay my English become nothing or just not so good. Ones of my goals that I will get is learn the language as a native. The support I got everything at home made me don’t give up. 

  2. Engel Medrano

    One of my core values is Learning and gaining knowledge. Learning and gaining knowledge is to me discovering new things. This is important to me because It’ll help me understanding better about new things such as topics and new things; By learning new things I’ll have more experience or different points of views in different topics. This will help me have self development, Different aspects, New skills, etc..

    This relates to my goals for my future because by that time I’ll have some sort of growth mindset to understand things better. Having skills on different things, confidence in learning. Learning now in the future will motivate me to know and learning more. Improving myself, Improving my memory, Increasing my potential for futuristic knowledge. By all those kind of things i could learn how to communicate better.

    These will help me achieve improving my reading and writing, Improving my communicating skills, Improving my vocabulary and also expanding my creativity for the future. Gain better communication about expressing myself, Better organization skill, etc..

  3. Fairlay

    A core value that has an important value in my life is music and sports. Music helps me stay calm and focused while sports keeps me busy and motivates me. Some of my favorite musicians are J Cole, Travis Scott, The Weeknd and Drake. Listening to their music keeps me going, it helps me stay calm. My favorite sports are soccer, football and basketball. I love watching and playing soccer. I also love watching Basketball and Football. These two core values are important to me because if it was not for music, I would be depressed and without sports, I would not be motivated to reach my goals.

    Improving my writing and communications skills will help me achieve these goals because in my field of study(nursing) writing and especially communications are very important. In nursing, I will have to communicate with people daily so that is why it is important to have good communications skills. I also would probably have to write a lot. These reasons are why I would want to improve my writing and communications skills.

  4. Jguarango21

    One of my central core values is being grateful for anything and everything loved ones provided me. My parents taught me the importance of being grateful no matter what and I have applied this core daily with society. It leads me to be proud, and thankful for life, friendships, family, and my community. I like to focus on the little things around me that I was given.


    I could say this core for the future will allow me to expand my knowledge also being able to enhance my skills in a variety of fields. Perhaps being grateful can lead to positive friendships as well as networking in the job field. I could possibly be praised, receive help, tips, etc. To finish, taking into consideration that anything can happen, so being grateful for what I have now is a must.


    Learning how to write and obtain communication skills will allow me to obtain new concepts that could help me out in public speaking, building a resume, having job interviews, and internships, and sending in letters to future employers. It will allow to me facilitate my communication with colleagues, friends, family, etc.


  5. Diana Grande

    Growing up means a lot we always learn something everyday even as we get older, but our common time is when we start off as little kids. Surrounded by adults and getting taught the basic and going to school to learn about how money works and how our president makes decisions and our laws that we have to follow. Not only did we attend school to learn and study and were also surrounded by other kids who are here for the same reason to learn just like us. During lunch was my favorite thing because we would have free time and it was the time where we could talk to our friends, during lunch we talk and chat and this is where most learning from outside of school comes from, from kids talking about the new game, movie, or that just came out, or how we got new pencils and a new lunch box.

    Each conversation is different and unique as we talk we learn about each other and about our personal life. Kids would mention stories about their grandparents only being with them because their mom didn’t come home again and having no one else besides them because they never met their dad or stories where their parents are divorce. Many stories which taught me about other family’s outside of mine, each would be different and each would surprise me, growing up I would always think that each family would be like mines as “perfect”. Being still a little kid with a mind so innocent i realized that there much out there that I still yet have to learn about, always looking back at moments where there is talks about different situations it always leads back to mine, I’ll forever be grateful for my family and for everything that they do for me and my siblings, I understand to always be grateful because I know that there is people who wished they had that image, I value my family for being them and for all their sacrifices that they’ve done for me.

    Reaching for success includes goals something that I have a lot of, becoming a dental hygienist is a big one of mines, but not only do I have goals I also have a bucket list where i put everything down that I would like to accomplish by doing all of this I wouldn’t be able to do it by myself without my family’s support. Always being their for me through my toughest moments or late nights that I stay up for because papers are due, always cheering for me throughout my accomplishments, as I continue to make them proud makes me feel I did it, for that I’ll always be grateful.

    Everywhere we go or see left or right there is writing even when we don’t notice. Writing and and communication will help me for the future as I call out for patients or when i need to write about how the patient has 3 cavities at upper left 3,4,5 or how we need to remove stains. Even apply to an office where I want to work for, or communicating to my coworkers or my boss, reading and learning to write like the writers will help me improve, by reading books.

  6. Dave Desrivieres


    Theme: core value

    1) “Culture” is the most significant to me, and I value it as something really important of my life since it is a part of who I am as a person who is from Haiti. And the entire “community” there in Haiti will definitely consider such cultural assets to be a part of themselves. 

    2) According to my future goals, culture and people will be a significant part of who I am as a Haitian. Certain artifacts will be part of that cultural development, and the entire community will value them. For instance, “the flag” is one of those cultural heritage. Because we must celebrate our liberty as a community as a whole each year, it explains the ideal of independence. As a result, this links to my objective of being aware of my identity and culture as integral parts of who I am in this new community with who I am constantly interacting with here at City Tech.

    3) By honing my writing and communication abilities, I will be better able to describe how Haitian culture is different from other cultures in that we see artifacts as belonging to our whole community and find it very difficult for us to adjust into a new society. 

  7. Nazifa Kopil

    Every person’s lifestyle is different. Everyone has different value in human life. And that is very important to him. There are things in my life that are very precious. That is my parents. They are my world. My parents are my walking companions. They are always guiding me in the right direction. My dream is that I will be educated in higher education. Sometimes I get bored and say that I will quit studying. Then they encouraged me. Encouraged me to move towards my goals. Now, when the child grows up, parents try to get married, when my parents talk about marriage, they say that they will stand on their own feet first. They give the most priority to achieve my cheeks. Since I study here, it is very important to know English. Writing and communication skills are very important to study in English properly. So it is is very important to know how to write properly.

  8. Fairlay

    A core value that has an important value in my life is music and sports. Music helps me stay calm and focused while sports keeps me busy and motivates me. Some of my favorite musicians are J Cole, Travis Scott, The Weeknd and Drake. Listening to their music keeps me going, it helps me stay calm. My favorite sports are soccer, football and basketball. I love watching and playing soccer. I also love watching Basketball and Football. These two core values are important to me because if it was not for music, I would be depressed and without sports, I would not be motivated to reach my goals.

    Sports relates to my goals for the future because watching my favorite athlete achieve their goals in their sports, inspires me to achieve my goals in my study field. Music does not really relate to my goals for the future but it helps keep me focused and motivated.  I do not know where I would be without these two core values.

    Improving my writing and communications skills will help me achieve these goals because in my field of study(nursing) writing and especially communications are very important. In nursing, I will have to communicate with people daily so that is why it is important to have good communications skills. I also would probably have to write a lot. These reasons are why I would want to improve my writing and communications skills.

  9. daria

    1. I have numerous values in my life, and these principles are a reflection of who I am. I hold a deep affection for my family and friends, firmly believing that friends are the family we choose for ourselves. I am grateful to the universe for granting me the independence to be my own creator. Additionally, a sense of humor is of paramount importance to me; it greatly facilitates connecting with others who share a similar sense of humor. What do these values reveal about me? They signify my deep appreciation for the people around me, underscoring my care and the reciprocation of such sentiments. Furthermore, they demonstrate my love for independence, allowing me to pave my own path, learn from my own mistakes, and embrace the unexpected. Lastly, they underscore my love for laughter and the creation of enjoyable memories.
    2. These values are intrinsically tied to my future aspirations. I am resolute in my desire to build a close-knit, loving family, and I am prepared for the challenges this endeavor may entail. I recognize the inherent value of independence in forging my career path, providing the strength needed to navigate it on my own terms. My ultimate goal is a life marked by happiness and intellect, as I believe that humor is often a hallmark of intelligence.
    3. Moreover, writing and communication skills will serve as invaluable assets in connecting with a wider array of individuals and fostering meaningful relationships. These skills will not only enable me to articulate my thoughts more effectively but also make my communication more fluid and captivating.
  10. Anja Rrasa

    I have many core values and one of them is my culture. I moved to the United States 5 years ago from Albania. A lot of people from Albania have grown with the judgmental mentality. What I mean by that is people will not know anything about you but will judge you. Growing up I was not allowed to do certain things because people would talk badly about me and my family.  

    This core value is important to me because I have learned not to care about what other people think of me. I do not let other people’s thoughts affect me and the way I live my life. I have also learned not to judge a book by its cover. I believe it is important to be mindful and be nice to people because everything you do will come back to you. 

    I’m not sure how this will help me improve my writing skills or my communication skills. However, this will motivate me to keep doing better and to keep moving forward.

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