Hello all,

We will be meeting in front of the City Tech Library tomorrow morning (Tuesday 2/28) at 8:30am, on the 4th floor through the passageway from the Namm Building.
Be on time, because the library doesn’t normally open until 9am, so once the librarian meets us, late stragglers will be locked out! (If this happens you can call or text my BMCC office phone, which forwards to my cell: 212-220-1422. But please be on time!)

Everyone should have created your Unit 1 Education Narrative outlines and draft #1s, and saved them in your G Drive shared folders. I know I need to provide feedback on some of your drafts; please be patient. You’ll get feedback this week, likely tomorrow. If you have any questions about your outline and draft, please let me know.

Start thinking about a research topic/question for your Unit 2 project, Reflective Annotated Bibliography (RAB). Your topic should be something you care about and that interests you, related to your course of study or not. Tomorrow the librarian will talk about how to narrow down your topic into a manageable research question. Ideally (but not necessarily), your RAB Unit 2 project will evolve into your Final Unit 3 project for the class.

See you tomorrow morning at the Library!