Trip To BHS

Last class, we took a journey that introduced many of us to new places in the city that we weren’t even aware of how significant these places were to the city. Most of these places i had no idea even existed being that i am not a native of Brooklyn. We first visited a postal office that was once a theater that burned down. It was under construction which if we would’ve looked up pictures online, most likely would’ve not been shown. Visiting this area and actually listening to it’s history differs from online research and visualization because you wouldn’t feel as much sorrow or admiration as to being there in person.

Being at the Brooklyn Historical Society showed us how important most things in there are. The way they take care of their books by keeping the room cool and having strict rules regarding the usage of their materials. It shows how serious they are to preserving these items. I believe they try to preserve as much as possible. Roles stories play in material is important because it can affect the way someone interprets the material or art. Having a tour guide makes the experience better because they can answer questions to clarify things we may find confusing and they can take us to what they feel is more important in the area. I can reexamine my location by looking around even closer and analyzing it in a different way, maybe seeking someone who has more knowledge on the location. Books in the Brooklyn Historical Society can be of help to Project 2.

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