My experience to the City

On a cold fall evening on November 28,2012 my brother, older cousin, and I went to go see the tree lighting at Rockefeller center because our uncle worked there and got us in the v.i.p section. We took the A train to 42nd street on 8th avenue and walked to 45th street on 5th avenue where we arrived at Rockefeller center. When we got there it was so crowded and there was no space to walk around or stand at. Nobody was allowed into the building only if you worked there or if you knew somebody that worked there. So when we arrived we called my uncle and he came and got us and took us into the building. We got lucky because my uncle worked right where the tree was, so we got to see the whole ceremony from standing inside rather than standing outside in the cold. Right under where he worked was the ground floor where the performers rooms was. So we went down to eat and then as we were sitting there the “Rockettes” came out the same time to go perform on stage and i was excited and went up to them and took a picture with them. It was really a exciting feeling because as soon as they came up I ran to go meet them and ask them if i can have a picture with them and when i did that their body guard hold me back and ask me what i wanted and i told him. Then he gave me the opportunity to meet them and take the picture. After that we saw the tree light up and went and took pictures with it. It was really a good experience to go see the tree for the first time and i recommend anyone to go see the tree this year its a fun experience.

One thought on “My experience to the City

  1. That sounds like a great experience. What about the walking part–what was it like trying to walk through Rockefeller Center on the night of the tree lighting? How does that compare to any other walking you’ve done?

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