NPR Thinks about Teaching Teachers

What can teaching teachers really be? What is innovation and innovative? We shared a lot through the semester do I thought I would continue to share. Here is a recent post from NPR that makes me ever more hopeful for innovative innovation!

Teaching Teachers

Revitalizing General Education

I want to Thank Karen and the Living Lab for connecting me with so many outstanding professors at CUNY. The Living Lab exercises and meetings challenged me to re-evaluate my course and it’s potential in general education. I gained a tremendous amount of clarity as to what was working and, more importantly, what needed to be improved. In particular I am enhancing my student assessment criteria to allow for more depth and clarity. I am re-writing my rubric for assessment and developing new assignments based of some of the Gen Ed guidelines. I am also heartened to know that the Gen Ed teaching I have been doing was so well received. I look forward to the Fall where I can further develop the place based and community supported projects that are the core of my Architecture Design studio.