Homework Response: Documenting Hurricane Sandy

Throughout the storm of Hurricane Sandy, many people on the internet and especially social networks posted information and pictures having to do with the storm. Many of the posts were true but some were fake. I feel like there was not a purpose to the fake pictures and misleading information. Many people lost their lives during the storm and to post funny or even more horrific pictures or information was wrong. For example, the pictures of the New York skyline that were fake were pointless. The real New York skyline was already gloomy and a horrific sight because the sky almost never looks like that so there was no need to fake a picture. The one of the shark is the worst because it made people afraid to even walk outside even after the storm was over. Adding fear and heartache into peoples lives is never funny nor should it be taken lightly. Although there was a lot of information that was fake the real info and pictures were very helpful. It gave the people who had power insight into what other people in New York had to deal with and also gave them ideas on how to help them.

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Impossible Exhibitions, The Caravaggio Show

To begin with, I would like to first say that i do not o to museums. The last time i went to a museum was about two weeks ago for my art project before that event I haven’t been to a museum since middle school. By saying this, if i would go to a museum for my own enjoyment I would definitely prefer going to the original’s instead of duplicates. Also,  I would think that to get the true effect of a picture you would have to see it face to face instead of through machinery, which can change the shading or contrast of how the portrait or painting should look like. But if that was the only thing left of the painting was a duplicate, I wouldn’t mind seeing it for a project review or something corresponding to that.

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The Renaissance viewers would be curious and interested. They would be so curious in the painting of the holy trinity by Masaccio because Masaccio, using linear perspective was able to make the fresco look as if it was a 3D figure while the painting stayed flat. The illusion of linear perspective on the painting was interesting to the viewers because it was a revolutionary way of creating art and many other renaissance painters tried to accomplish what masaccio had done.

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Discussion Topic: Impossible Exhibitions, The Caravaggio Show

View of “Impossible” Caravaggio exhibit at Loyola University in Chicago

In Italy, there is a trend to launch “Impossible Exhibitions” for renowned artists, such as Raphael, Leonard, and Caravaggio. In these exhibitions, all the works of art produced by one artist are assembled together in a museum setting. Unfortunately, it is impossible to pull together all the works of art that are scattered in various public and private collections across many nations. The only way to display an “Impossible Exhibition” is by projecting high-resolution reproductions of works of art. For the last several years, Caravaggio: an impossible exhibition has traveled to various venues, including Loyola University in Chicago. Explore images of the Caravaggio show in the link below. Would you go to a museum to see digital reproductions of famous works of art? Do you think it is important to see “real” works of art, or are reproductions just as effective?

Gallery of the views from Caravaggio: The Impossible Exhibition

Please remember to submit all your blog posts before the end of the semester. 



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The Art of Food

Yes I think that art is a type of food. Food just like art comes in many different types of forms. It can be made in many different ways. Food is also a type of creation, it is a very special work of art. We cherish it and we also admire it. Food just like art takes lots of skills because you have to skillful in cooking to be able to cook a really wonderful dish. Food can be served in many different type of ways. People can use different types of themes. For example, you can decorate the food by applying little flowers and cut up vegetables to make it seem fancy. When a person sees really great food they don’t just react with their mouths, they also feel amazed because food just like art comes from the heart.

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it is really creative to come up with art and food but i don’t see art in this work at all..i find it like if they were playing with food. There are many diseases out there and a lot of people you don’t know touching the food, i just think is disgusting . you don’t know if the table that the food is being put was clean or maybe they use it to put something else and yet there is food there. also you dint know where people put there hands on and they touch the food the thought of it is not so pleasant.

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Discussion Topic: The Art of Food

After watching Jennifer Rubell’s Brooklyn Museum Galla, i think that food art is…the most stupidest, disgusting, unmannerly thing I have ever seen in my life! I do not like the idea of my food laying everywhere uncovered where anyone can touch and do what ever they please to it without me knowing. The affect of it would just make me hungry; but i was in a Food Museum like the one i saw in the video, i would starve myself instead of eating that food. I mean, the amount of disease you can catch from this “food art”! And I don’t judge, i am just in a position where i have to say something because it is an assignment.

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Discussion Topic: The Art of Food

Happy Thanksgiving! It seems appropriate that we think about food this week, and the idea of food as art.  There is a long history of photographing food for commercial purposes.  The following NPR article outlines a current evolution in food photography, in which more people are becoming engaged with the aesthetics of food.  Watch a video by the performance artist Jennifer Rubell who produced an installation for the Brooklyn Museum centered around food.  Lastly, look at some examples of Thanksgiving-theme food art by amateurs. What do you think of Food as Art?

NPR’s “Appetizing Art of Food Photography”

 Thanksgiving Food Art

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Virtual Michelangelo

I think that the virtual recreations of Michelangelo’s ceiling  fresco paintings in the Sistine chapel are actually very great and very detailed. You can see it clearly, you can see the details and it is very close to reality. I can see every color and every shade. It is definitely very clear.I think the people did a great job in recreating these fresco’s. I think these paintings are still very significant for the society because the Michelangelo was a legend. He wasn’t even a painter, he was a sculptor. Another thing is that the painting on the ceiling wasn’t only of one drawing but of many different pieces. And also he completed the painting in roughly four years which is just amazing.

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Discussion Topic: Documenting Hurricane Sandy

Williamsburg Bridge, half lit up, half in the dark, a real photo via The Gothamist

I am borrowing this Discussion Topic from my History of Photography course as a venue to contribute your own “storm stories” or your reactions to coverage on Hurricane Sandy. Those with power during the storm and its aftermath were inundated with overwhelming and often horrific images.  An interesting tangent was how quickly fake photographs of Hurricane Sandy permeated the media.  These photographs went viral on social media, via forum such as Twitter or Facebook.  Read the following articles about faked photographs and watch the short clip by ABC News.  The Washington Post reports on how the ‘shark’ photograph even made its way to China.  For this Discussion Topic, please post your opinion of the visual coverage of Hurricane Sandy.  You can also post any image that you found compelling, fake or real, or one that you took yourself.  In addition, please feel free to share your storm stories here or on the OpenLab’s “Storm Stories” website (if you post there, just insert a link here).

ABCNews Hurricane Sandy: Fake Pictures, Memes, Social Media

Washington Post article on fake Hurricane Sandy photo

As noted in the last Discussion Topic, due to the disruption caused by Hurricane Sandy to the University’s class schedule, I have decided to forego a deadline for the remainder of the Discussion Topics this semester.  Please make sure you contribute the minimum of 10 blog posts to the course by the last week of class (December 15th). 

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