Category Archives: Uncategorized

How “Evil” was Commodus

i have also viewed the movie “Gladiator” and i believe that the portrayal of him in that movie was a somewhat true account on who he really was as a person. According to Historia Augusta, Commodus killed many people, had … Continue reading

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I think that the accuracy of the movies is flawed as compared to the actual character of commodus. In the movie commodus was portrayed as being a jealous son and killed his father to take the throne who he believed was rightfully his. Rather the biggest personality flaw that commodus actually had was his … Continue reading

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How Evil Was Commodus?

I have seen the movie “Gladiator.” In the movie there were little different from the actual history. In the movie Commodus kill his own father in order to become a king. In the real history his father was died of … Continue reading

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How evil was Commodus?

How evil was Commodus? From my perspective and interpretation of the long passage I was given to read, I did not think that Commodus was actual a bad individual. I haven’t seen the actual movie of Gladiator but I have … Continue reading

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Graffiti as Art and History

Graffiti expresses the individualistic and unique style of its creator and so it is definitely a form of art. Graffiti is displayed and acknowledged throughout the world, and ranges from simplistic pieces, such as tags, to dramatic and detailed murals. … Continue reading

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Graffiti as Art?

Graffiti has always been around if its in stylized letters, or just a simple portrait and there is still a struggle where some might say graffiti is not a form of art. The way i see it, you can  learn a … Continue reading

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graffiti can be art and history

Graffiti can be view as art and history because it is a way to express feeling in two different way by using pictures or writing . Egyptian writing is history ,they left a sign of life and telling us today that … Continue reading

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Graffiti as Art, Graffiti as History

After I watch the video “Graffiti as Art, Graffiti as History.” I think Graffiti should be as art and history. Graffiti is a way to express our thought to the society. It reflects of complaints and unfair things around our … Continue reading

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Is graffiti art?

If someone were to ask me if I think graffiti I would tell them yes. If you ask any artist they will tell you that art expresses their feelings and come from the creativity of their mind and thus being … Continue reading

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Response to : Graffiti as Art, Graffiti as History

Graffiti can most definitively be defined as art. Art comes from the creativity of the mind. They also say a picture is worth a thousand words. If you look closely at any type of graffiti, whether it be writing on an old … Continue reading

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