Category Archives: Homework

Robert Capa’s Death of a Loyalist Soldier HW#3 By Akash Ghosh

I think it’s a great argument about the picture which we don’t know exactly what happened. The picture ”Death of a loyalist solider” could be real or fake. I can’t say 100% what happened there. But as far as i … Continue reading

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Capa’s Death of a Loyalist Soldier

Robert Capa’s Death of a Loyalist Soldier, has been a center of controversy deciding if the photo was staged or in fact real. Reading Richard Whelan’s opinion on Capa’s photo, I could see exactly why he thought that this photo … Continue reading

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Home Work #3 -Death of a Loyalist Soldier

Robert Capa’s photograph, Death of a Loyalist Soldier, real or staged? Many wonder many attempt to disprove. As for my opinion I believe it’s definitely real. Being in photo Journalism, the photographer’s job to expose the truth, which is as … Continue reading

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Homework #3

There were many discussions as to whether Robert Capa’s photograph, The Falling Soldier, was real or staged. I think Richard Whelan’s arguments are convincing and persuasive because no one would try to fake a death during the middle of a … Continue reading

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Homework #3: Robert Capa’s Death of a Loyalist Soldier

While reading the analysis of Robert Capa’s Death of a Loyalist Soldier also known as The Falling Soldier, there were definitely a lot of discussions going on about this picture. I think that Robert Whelan’s arguments are convincing because who would really … Continue reading

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Homework 3

After reading Proving that Robert Capa’s “Falling Soldier” is Genuine: A Detective Story by Richard Whelan I think his arguments are convincing and persuasive. At first there were a few points that convinced me that the picture was staged. First was the … Continue reading

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Homework #3: Robert Capa’s Death of a Loyalist Soldier

While reading the analysis on Robert Capa’s photograph, The Falling Soldier, also known as the greatest war photograph of all time came across many discussions and about whether the photo was real or staged as “fakery.” I do find Richard … Continue reading

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Homework #3: Robert Capa’s Death of a Loyalist Soldier

While Richard Whelan does have a vested interest in Capa’s photo being authentic (as he is Capa’s biographer), I do find his argument very convincing.  It seems extremely plausible to me that the incident happened as Whelan describes.  The ironic … Continue reading

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Cecilia Taveras – Homework #3: Robert Capa’s Death of Loyalist Soldier

While I was reading the article analysis about Robert Capa photograph that was labeled as one of the greatest war photograph that was ever taken but at the same time it was also known for being staged or if an … Continue reading

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Homework #3: Robert Capa’s Death of a Loyalist Soldier

At the age of 23, Robert Capa took a photograph that many have labeled the greatest war photograph of all time.  Taken during the Spanish Civil War, the renown of Capa’s photograph, Falling Soldier or Death of a Loyalist Soldier, reverberated around the world … Continue reading

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