Cellphones & Photography

Hello everyone my name is Diana Reyes. After reading the Time article on the iPhone6s Ad. I have come to a conclusion that Mobile photography has expanded thanks to Apple features on a camera. I find it amazing that Apple uses Non-professionals photographs from iPhone users for their campaign in introducing the iPhone 6s. I my self-am an iPhone user and I can say Apple always pleases when it comes to new phone features they never stop making progress. Its inspiring in seeing how “Erin Brooks”  was chosen to be in Apple Campaign for simply sharing her personal photo of her daughter. I believe iPhones has been one of the best things invented because we can now visit an event and simply pull out our phones and take photographs on the go. Capturing a mobile memory. In the video by Adam Sacks he has demonstrated how iPhone owner uses their iPhone to take pictures of their everyday life experience to publish on the media. We can also see how the iPhone is not viewed as a phone is viewed as a camera. Meaning who needs a camera if I could just use my iPhone to capture a picture. Soon we wouldn’t be needeing no Professional cameras with the Apple Features rising I can’t wait to see how the iPhone 7s would look like…

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