Monthly Archives: April 2016

Walker Evans Subway Photos

Walker Evans is a brave soul to be taking hidden pictures like this of people taking the subway. it is a very good idea to capture candid pictures like these. It makes for a very interesting story. Using a hidden … Continue reading

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Homework #2: Walker Evansā€™ Subway Portraits

I believe that Evans Walker had a different and interesting way of photographing peoplesā€™ expression on the subway. It was definitely something different because you donā€™t often see someone taking photos of a person riding the subway. What I found … Continue reading

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Homework #2

I believe Walker Evans was a very talented photographer. He also had a brilliant mind to come up with the idea of taking pictures of subway riders during the depression era where emotions was all he was getting. I like … Continue reading

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Homework 2

I think that Evans’ clandestine approach to taking the subway passenger photos was very clever. Taking it in that matter was the only way he could’ve captured the real face expressions of people. According to the NPR interview with Met … Continue reading

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Homework #2 Walker Evan (Geovanny R.)

Walker Evan was a great photographer in which he to took picture of people in the subway doing regular things. As we can see today in the subway people do different things, some of them are reading, playing on their … Continue reading

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Homework #2: Walker Evansā€™ Subway Portraits

Walker Evansā€™ photographed people on the New York City subways between 1938-1941. He only published these photographs 25 years later in his book,Ā Many Are Called, which was re-issued in 2004. Read a review about the new edition in theĀ New York … Continue reading

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