Homework #1: Cell Phones and Photography

My name is Connie. This is my first year at City Tech and my major is currently undecided but I’m planning to major in Accountant.

In my opinion I don’t see anything wrong with taking photos with our phones. It’s just easier to carry around than a big DSLR, although they do capture better photos. People use their phones to capture moments they want to remember. Often times when I go out with friends, we like to take pictures to remember the things we did because we don’t often see each other. I personally don’t really take many photos unless it’s something that seems worthy or something that just caught my attention and want to remember later on. There are also times when you go to a new place and want to capture the amazing view because you won’t be able to see it every day.

One thing that annoys me about taking photos on a phone is when someone uses it to snap pictures of food. Yes, the plating may look nice and all but you order food to eat it, not to take photos of it. For example, whenever I go out with my sister, she would take photos of our food when it gets to the table. When we get our food, we just want to eat but she tends to hold everyone back just to get a photo of everything.

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One Response to Homework #1: Cell Phones and Photography

  1. Henry says:

    I agree that having a phone with a camera is must easier than carrying around a bigger camera. I also agree that taking pictures of food isn’t necessary and that I’d rather take pictures of something better in order to keep them as a memory of where I have been and wish to go back.

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