Homework #1: Cell Phones and Photograpy

To me, phone photography is pretty fun and entertaining, though I do prefer using my digital camera more. It’s a quick and easy way to communicate things in your life with friends and family. I think having an easier access to a camera does make people more creative. You see a lot of things on a daily basis so being able to have the option to capture it or not is nice. In my opinion, even if it’s not taken from a professional camera, a photo taken from a smartphone is still considered art. Over the past few years there has been a lot of major steps in technology as a whole. With smartphones in particular, the capabilities of the camera has greatly improved. With every new model the camera’s resolution continues to get better and better. The parody video about the iphone 5 addresses “food photography”. Taking pictures of food has become a huge trend in smartphone photography over the years. Personally I never got the interest of taking photos of food. I prefer to take landscape photos and pictures of other people more.

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