Subways Portraits by Walker Evans

I think Walker Evans clandestine approach to photography was pretty surprising. He took those pictures in a really cool way, makes me wonder if there is any photographers that do that now and days on the subway. He caught people really off guard and in their most vulnerable time. The facial expression of the people on the train still look like the ones we make or even I make today. We never want any eye contact or just stare into space and not acknowledge anyone or anything that is happening. People usually just zone out by putting headphones into their ears and and listen to music not care about anything that’s happening while they’re on the train. Or like me where I put headphones to not hear anyone and ignore everything. Back then people didn’t have portable music players or cellphones so they heard everything that was happening. I’m also surprised no one ever caught or noticed that he was taking pictures of them.

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Lynsey Addario, A Woman Photographer on the Front Lines

from my viewpoint, if they have the ability then no matter in what gender they can do much better than others. To become a photographer, solider or journalist in war zone you need to have the courage that other people dont. so no matter man or women, you must to have the ability or courage to handle the career that you want to do, and i think everyone will be the same in these environment

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Response to: Lynsey Addario

Today isn’t so much viewed as back then, when women were considered as housewives. In today’s time they are out there doing jobs where it would normally be males doing that, but more especially those dangerous jobs males would normally do. There would be women serving our country, and even journalists working in the war zones. To me it doesn’t seem like dangerous in my opinion. One example I can use is describing Ann Curry’s work, where she has ventured out across the globe and reporting in the middle of any crisis that involves poverty, famine, even wars. For that it doesn’t seem dangerous, journalists like her or Lynsey Addario would take precautions so that they can feel safe while they are out there. Women would do hard tasks as journalists or serve their country had to have the courage to not let their gender stop them. Over time there were women’s rights movements that would demonstrate that they can more than just being a housewife, like cooking and cleaning. Those movements have helped put women forward, and I have seen a small percentage of women that are in my current major of Computer Systems, and that could somehow keep growing. It all begins with having courage and confidence.

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A Woman Photographer on the Front Lines

Of course I think its dangerous for female photographers, or anyone for that matter, to work in war zones. Its a war zone! Just last week Olivier Voisin, a french photojournalist, died in Syria from wounds he received from shrapnel. These people know what risks they’re taking when they go out there and if they die they know that they’ll die doing something they love. Gender has nothing to do with it. If a soldier wants to fight for her country who am I to tell her no. Same goes for a photographer who wants to document history. It doesn’t take a 300 pound man to push a shutter button or pull a trigger. There’s already women serving in combat roles and now the ban has been lifted to allow any women to join and fight if they so desire.

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women on the front lines

I think that the fact that there are women in the front lines is another struggle that women have been fighting for. We know there has always been stereotypes and maybe the majority of women are more into careers than do not involve military, or heavy physical and emotional duties like in the war, but we are under the constitution consider equal. I think all those women in the front lines deserve to be promoted. It is very sad that even though we are in a more open-minded time, women still being denied from jobs that are consider just for men. Lynsey Addario reminded me of Kathryn Bigelow’s film Zero Dark Thirty, where a CIA officer woman was one of the main people in finding Osama BinLaden. However, she wasn’t promoted for the marvelous job she has done. This CIA officer spent most of her career finding BinLaden. I think being on war zone is dangerous and of course by nature women and men are different, but that does not mean, a women should be denied from what she wishes to be. As long as she shows determination, courage, self-discipline and professionalism, that is what matters. I feel proud of Addario’s work because, it is not easy to be under attacks of sexism and also to carry a story for not only herself but the world to see.

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There right to choose.

I believe that even in the 21st century us women still struggle to gain equality in many different perspectives of life. Whether at work or at war, women are still view as the “weak sex”. I agree with photographer Addario’s point of view when she points out that there is a great difference between a man’s and a woman’s strength, with some exceptions of course. I do think is dangerous for women photographers, soldiers and/or journalist to work in war zones, but if a woman wants to work in any of these fields then I believe her decision should be respected and accepted. As long as a woman proves that she’s capable of handling these tasks then there shouldn’t be any reason to deny them the right to do so. I believe having women in war zones in a way is an advantage because as photographer Addario mentions, having women in war zones allows the US to try and win over the other 50 percent of the population; the Afghan women, which otherwise would be impossible as males are not allow to visit an Afghan woman’s home and have little to no interaction with them. Allowing women to fight in the front line is definitely helpful in my opinion.

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Subways Portraits by Walker Evans

It’s interesting to look at the photographs that Evans has been taking. These photographs are shows that the real side of people, because people may put out different poses when they look at the camera. In addition, it’s very realistic that tells different stories from each rider that have been photographed. It can tells by their emotions, the way they dressed and the things they do in that time. However, we can see some of faces were kind of awkward, it appeared maybe because the subway train was new to them in that time period and they saw different new faces and don’t know how to react. For example, some riders looks unsecure while they seat to the person they don’t know. Some were reading the news paper, like some of people do in today society. Also, I think Evans was captured very well of each rider. Because it shows that many riders were not looking at the camera, meaning Evans was hiding his camera while taking the photographs, and these photographs are still can express the purpose of his photography.

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A Woman Photographer on the Front Lines

In my point of view I think it’s dangerous to be working in war zones, whether male or female. However, people are have their own decision and have the right to choose which job they want to do, and there is no right and wrong. Also, women can be as strong as men, not only physically, but also mentally. If they volunteer to be work in the front lines then we should be proud of them, because they are so brave and not afraid of danger and challenge themselves than some men cannot do. I believe there also have female soldiers, and they are using their ability to fight and protect their country, therefore we shouldn’t have discrimination and prejudice to them. In addition, a woman photographer that shooting on the front lines is making the effort and report the truth for people. As a result, we won’t know everything about the military and how these soldiers fights in war and what is happening to the real war. Therefore, I think we should thank you for those woman photographers or soldiers instead of doubt their ability to work.

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Response: Connecting to Spirits via Photography

This kind of documentation seems really spooky. However, I think that it might be valuable to document them because of the fact that the person doesn’t always remember what they are doing or saying. The Mambo in the article was surprised to see herself in the act and many others might want to see themselves as well. I do think that this process is a bit weird to document. I would imagine that it involves a lot of movement and sounds that can’t really be captured in a photograph. I couldn’t really look through all the photographs because these kinds of things do freak me out but in the few that I saw, people just looked crazy. I wonder how the photographer kept up with all the movement. Did she have to jump around a lot? Also, connecting to the spirits seems like a very private thing to do but since it’s voluntary, it does not seem very intrusive to photograph it, just creepy.

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Response: Subway Portraits by Evans

Its funny to see how time can pass but the riders still act the same. Riding the trains for a long period of time can be awkward because there really isn’t anything to look at. I usually just stare at the floor to avoid any kind of weird eye contact. iPads are also a good help nowadays.

Evan’s approach was very clever. Keeping is camera hidden was a good way to capture people in their normal state. Had he kept his camera out in the open, his photographs would not have the same feel. When I looked through some of the images in the gallery, I did notice many similarities. Some people were sleeping, others had a blank stare. I also saw an image of one man with an accordion which still happens today.

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