Response to: Lynsey Addario

Today isn’t so much viewed as back then, when women were considered as housewives. In today’s time they are out there doing jobs where it would normally be males doing that, but more especially those dangerous jobs males would normally do. There would be women serving our country, and even journalists working in the war zones. To me it doesn’t seem like dangerous in my opinion. One example I can use is describing Ann Curry’s work, where she has ventured out across the globe and reporting in the middle of any crisis that involves poverty, famine, even wars. For that it doesn’t seem dangerous, journalists like her or Lynsey Addario would take precautions so that they can feel safe while they are out there. Women would do hard tasks as journalists or serve their country had to have the courage to not let their gender stop them. Over time there were women’s rights movements that would demonstrate that they can more than just being a housewife, like cooking and cleaning. Those movements have helped put women forward, and I have seen a small percentage of women that are in my current major of Computer Systems, and that could somehow keep growing. It all begins with having courage and confidence.

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