Category Archives: Uncategorized

Tim Hetherington & Modern-Day War Photography

I think Hetherington’s vision was to show to the world kind of the behind the scenes of war. We know that soldiers are just as humans as us and they are heroes because they risk their lives for their country … Continue reading

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Discussion Topic: The Greatest War Photograph and Robert Capa

we can easily tell the photo is staged or not, because in the photo we can not see any blood from the solider if he got gun shot.  and the way that solider fall to the ground.  i think the authenticity … Continue reading

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Discussion Topic: Street Art, Photography, and the Inside Out Project in Times Square

i think this movement is really creative, because it make other people who are not  photographer have more knowledge of how photo become art. i went there last time just want to see how it really work in the public. … Continue reading

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Response: Photographing the Beginning of the Civil Rights Movement

Robert Frank’s image and Will Count’s image are both very powerful. I’m not sure if it matters that one is art and one is news photography. You can still see that same theme or message in both. In Robert Frank’s … Continue reading

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Response: Street Art, Photography, and the Inside Out Project in Times Square

I have heard of JR before in another photography class but I never thought that they would bring this project somewhere so close to us. I really like that they are images of people in the community instead of people … Continue reading

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Response: Tim Hetherington and Modern-day War Photography

I think that Hetherington’s vision was to communicate the soldier’s lives to the public. He wanted to bring more attention to the lives of those people who were risking there lives. I think Junger thought of him as a risk … Continue reading

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Response: Photographing the Beginning of the Civil Rights Movement

I feels interesting by looking at the photographs that taken by both photographers. But if you ask me which one I like the most, I would say is the Swiss -born photographer Robert Frank. Because we can see he tried … Continue reading

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response:Tim Hetherington and Modern-day War Photography

I looked over to Hetherington’s photographs at the Yossi Milo Gallery website, and I really like his style to photograph of the soldiers. As we can see he was using different vision to took photos. By thoes photos he has … Continue reading

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Response: Photographing the Beginning of the Civil Rights Movement

Both photographers send messages about the life of an American during the 1950’s. There’s evidence show the racial look upon black and white people during that time. People did have different views and refused to look at the work but … Continue reading

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Response: Street Art, Photography, and the Inside Out Project in Times Square

JR work is amazing to look and also to be apart of because it shows the portraits of the people who live in the community. The good thing is that there is no charge to be apart of his project, all that … Continue reading

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