Author Archives: Joshua W.

Can Self Portraits or “Selfies” be considered art?

According to an article on The Atlantic written by Megan Garber selfies have been around as long as the first forms of portraitures. Selfies became widely popular and was treated as a form of art just like the rest of … Continue reading

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Revival of Tintype photo’s during modern warfare

I believe that Ed Drew’s revival of the tintype is great for military pictures. To me this is good for two reasons. The first is that the grayish look of the tintype photos gives it a sort of gritty and … Continue reading

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Civil War era photo developing and why its popular today

Capturing images during the Civil War era was very difficult and repetitive. In order for early photographers to capture images they used a process called the “wet-plate collodion.” In this process a chemical collodion mixture is poured on a glass … Continue reading

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The Rolling Stone: Glorifying terrorist?

The Rolling Stone article about the Boston bomber raised a lot of controversy. According to the article the picture of the bomber Tsarnaev seem to depict him as being a celebrity rather than the typical monster everyone expected him to … Continue reading

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