Revival of Tintype photo’s during modern warfare

I believe that Ed Drew’s revival of the tintype is great for military pictures. To me this is good for two reasons. The first is that the grayish look of the tintype photos gives it a sort of gritty and rough look. This fits the description of how we depict soldiers to be and it adds to that war atmosphere. Another benefit is the tintype photos at least to me have a way of highlighting the face of the soldiers. The fact that the soldiers have to hold a pose for longer than 10 seconds means their faces start to mellow out from the tough trained soldier look to a more relaxed personal look. This helps show that these soldiers are also people. Ed Drew agrees with the same aspect, that soldiers being depicted as people are part of the charm of tintype photographs. My second reason is that tintype photographs show that war now is not very different as it was years ago during the Civil War. Even though these photos were taken at different time periods the war themed feeling I get from these modern warfare tintype photographs are no different than the ones I get from Civil War era tintype photographs.

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