50 photos from 50 years ago

1962 was a time filled with tension around the world. From the struggles of African Americans in the civil rights movement to the Russian missles found in Cuba that almost sparked a war with America. All of this while the U.S was increasing its presence in Vietnam. These pictures show a glimpse of this time.


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One Response to 50 photos from 50 years ago

  1. shuyi says:

    The world in 60s is tension and uncertainty of the Cold War era and with terrorist incidents; civil rights activists won hard-earned victories against segregationists in American South, Algria gained independence from France. Meanwhile, Seattle held a World’s Fair called the Century 21 Exposition, celebrating the themes of science, space and the future etc. In 1962, war affairs and scientific study escalation in the time, from reading these 50 photographs it reflected human values get evolvement in every minutes, emphasizing the theme of common humanity against the destructiveness. Time would not stop buy anything, all we can do just catch the time and do the best.

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