Documenting Brooklyn Vodou

Spiritual Photography is basically attempting to capture the images of ghost and other things having spiritual characteristics. Shannon Taggart, a contemporary photographer, did a photo series in which she focused on different types of religious experiences. On of these experiences included Haitians practicing Vodou in Brooklyn. Her series displayed the ways people were reacting to spirits and how they would try to draw the spirit out of the person.
I completely understand why spiritual photography had difficulty being published. Not everyone is interested or comfortable with the topic because it has to do with death, ghosts, things that seem unreal, and that are questioned by many. In my perspective i think spiritual photography should be kept underground and available to the people involved with it. i believe this because not everyone wants to be associated with spirits and vodou. I say this because i felt an uneasiness going through Taggart’s series. I also feel that such documentation is impossible. I believe in spirits to a certain point but i do not believe that they are able to be photographed. I also don’t believe this type of photography is valuable. I think it is a waste of time and creepy and people should just leave it alone.

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