RE: Can an app be art ?

This questioning of art reminds me of what we learned at the beginning of the semester; where in the mid 1800’s photography as a form of art was being questioned. Look how far we’ve come and now question mediums of art that are new to us.
In my opinion the app “Oil” can be considered art. It has the qualifications of an art book, just that the form of publishing it is different and more modern. I find it interesting that the app has audio files because it gives you an insight of the photographer’s vantage point. It surpises me much cheaper the app is compared to the actual book, its a pretty smart idea to not make the app $128 because then no one would buy it, $9.99 is a good price but I think it lowers the value of the art because it makes it accessible to everyone at loses its exclusivity in some way.
Overall the images make a big impression on what going on in the environment that sort of scare me. I think Burtynsky does a magnificent job capturing the great images, the angles he uses and the distance from where he takes the shots create a mental reaction.

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