Category Archives: #PhotoHistory
Pâte à choux
Today in our baking class we made onion board and gougere. The onion board was made Following the 12 steps baking bread and the sauteed onions, and tomato sauce, and cheese toppings was added right before it went in the oven. The gougere was made from eclair paste also know as pâte à choux, because is a savory item we added parmesan and gougere cheese and some spices as well.
Here’s the link to the New York Times article with Fenton’s photography, including the “picnic” (as one student called it in class) of Major in the Crimea (right).
On the left is Fenton’s Still Life with Fruit, a very large (approx. 18 x 24″) albumen print from a glass negative, taken in 1860 when he was back in England.