Today’s Agenda

  • Pinup Review and In Class Grading
  • Introduction to Facades Assignment

Due for next class

  • Download the new title blocks and customize these with your name and photo
    • Assignments > Facade Materials Research Studies
  • Each student to pick a minimum of two systems from each type
    • Two Solid Panel Systems
    • Two Glass Curtainwall Systems
  • Post your 4 choices in MIRO
    • Pick any 4 vertical boards – 1 system per board.  Do not worry about the teams
    • Include the following: (for each of your systems)
      • A link to the company website
      • Images that show what the system looks like –
      • Sample details from the manufacturer’s website.
      • Bonus – see if you can find any videos showing the system installation process

Finding Resources

  • From this website on the menu select > Resources > Facade Materials
  • On the OER Master Website Select >Resources > Facade Materials > Opaque Facade Systems
  • On the OER Master Website Select >Resources > Facade Materials > Glass Facade Systems (curtainwall, window wall, punched window)
  • (see the screen captures below)

Finding the Titleblocks

Finding the Facade Materials


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