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Today’s Agenda

  • Pinup MIRO review of final Stair Assembly & Details
    • Students grading students
  • Introduction to new assignment (Steel Assembly)

Due for Thursday

  • Keep your eye on the target – I suggest the following order of work:
    • Start  you new project file and give it a proper name – then copy in your 22×34 titleblock
    • Add Level 3 (make sure floor to floors are 12′) – layout grid lines 25’x15′
    • Create first family – Wide Flange Column
      • I suggest  you create a generic then go back and customize it to a specific size.
        • Add reference planes, EQ-EQ dimensions & Parameters for Width, Depth & Height
        • Draw it first as a basic box – then bring it into your project file – and place it correctly
        • Set the correct length and then copy it up to level 2 – adjust length as needed
      • Consider placing this family in the location of all three columns as it will help with sheet layout
    • Create second family – Wide Flange Beam
      • Remember to create this in a front view – setting it below the level reference plane
        • Add reference planes, EQ-EQ dimensions & Parameters for Width, Depth & Height
        • Draw it first as a basic box – then bring it into your project file – and place it correctly
      • Attach the ends to the columns and lock this in place
      • Copy the beams up to level 3
    • Work on your sheet layout (you have enough information to complete these steps)
      • SC-01 Basic Layout – (plan, 2 elevations, 2 isometrics – all at 1/4″ scale, 1 perspective
      • SC-02 Exploded Isometric – using Orient to View
        • Create 3 plans views of each column at 3/4″
        • Use Orient to view to create each as a 3D view – duplicate and name properly
        • For each view – create 3 views – (bottom, middle, top)
        • Place the views on the sheet – properly aligned
    • You work should look roughly like the images below.
    • See below for next steps….

  • Next Steps
    • Correct the sizes of your columns and beams using the criteria provided –
    • Create the HSS-Round column and the HSS-Square column.
    • Remember to Pinup your 2 sheets in MIRO
  • Criteria
    • It will help to work  in teams to identify the proper steel components for this project
    • Use the criteria and the reference sheets provided in the assignment to help you.

I am providing an extra copy of the sheets you require below


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