Follow this link to the zoom videos (link)

For next class ….


  • Name your file properly
  • Customize yout titleblock (add your name and a good selfie)
  • Create 6 sheets as follows:
    • SH-01 Plan View
    • SH-02 Exterior Elevation Views
    • SH-03 Building Sections
    • SH-04 Stair Studies
    • SH-05 Study 2 (give it a better name)
    • SH-06 Study 3 (give it a better name)
  • If you decide to make extra sheets – for example two sheets of Exterior elevations number the sheet  SH-02.1 & SH-02.2
  • Plot your sheets
    • 22 x 34 sheet plots at 100% to ANSI D
    • Plot each sheet as a separate PDF for posting in MIRO


  • Create a frame for each of your sheets
  • Rename the frames to include your names and number these in order
  • Re-order your frames in the slide sorter
  • Place you sheets as individual PDF’s


  • Go to Pinterest and begin to gather research information for each of the 3 studies.  We will review this in the next class.

QUESTIONS?  email me a pking@CityTech.Cuny.Edu


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