Category Archives: Prof. King

Posting your team Schedule

Once you have an agreed team schedule – have all team members sign it – then scan and upload it as an image file on OpenLab – I would like to see the done by Monday – end of day. … Continue reading

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Upload Due – Clarification

I was asked the question if there was an upload due before the next class and I believe I misspoke. Ā There are two uploads due before next class: 1- Team schedule – signed by all team members – scanned and … Continue reading

Posted in Prof. King | 4 Comments

For Site Inventory

Circulation around the site (traffic volume, type – pedestrian, vehicular, bike. etc. Sun Path – (n-s-e-w) Noise & Vibration View to the building – Views from the building Land Use – Adjacent Building Types (residential, commercial, park) Building Massing (1 … Continue reading

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Before class #2 you should do the following:

Interview each other – put this one one slide – include your photos – post this on this course OpenLab site. Ā Give you post a title Make sure you categorize your postĀ – each team member is a category. Visit the … Continue reading

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Sample Upload of JPG

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Posted in Mercado, Nydia, N, Ocran, Joshua, Peneyeya-Akcan, Suray, Prof. King | Leave a comment

My Team – Sample Upload of JPG

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TEAM Assignments – Monday-Wednesday PM 2:30 – 5:25

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TEAM Assignments – Monday-Thursday AM 8:30-11:25

Posted in Prof. King, Students-MTH-AM | Leave a comment