Classes resume on Wednesday April 19th. For both sections the deadline for posting is midnight on the 18th. This submission includes all of the sheets from the previous submission with a special focus on wall sections and details – sheets A-401 & A-402. These two sheets and your research log openlab site are your primary focus:
You must work on both sheets of details – including your curtain wall. For this lay the sheet out and we will work on creating curtain wall when we return so I expect to see A-402 laid out but I do not expect to see curtain wall details yet. You should however have curtain wall research in your research log when we return. A-401 should be shown with detail items, notes, leaders and dimensions – as complete as you can make it.
Each of you must plot sheet A-401 full size before the start of class. That means plotting Wednesday morning the 19th. We will have a full pinup of the drawings in the corridor. Everyone must have a sheet plotted. I will check in advance on the status of the plotters – but you should assume they are working.
By this the time we return from spring break I expect all of your floor plans to be complete. This includes a start on your RCP plans. I will post some helpful tutorials on the RCP.
Remember your primary focus is the details of your exterior facade. This means you must do research into its construction and your research log on openlab must be up to date. This research is necessary for you to complete your detail sheets.
Remember to review the prior posting requirements.
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