Category Archives: Prof. King

Team 6 Presentation: Living Arts Brooklyn Museum

Place holder Case study for Living Arts Brooklyn Museum(Small).pptx

Posted in 04 Team Presentation - Bldg Analysis, Prof. King, Ruiz, Freddy A, Stevens, Stephon B, Umana, Eduardo G | Leave a comment

To do list –

Make sure your presentations are posted on OpenLab as a PDF For the Wednesday afternoon class, if you have not already uploaded (to blackboard) your AutoCAD Grid to OpenLab you have until tonight. (for the Thursday class you have until … Continue reading

Posted in Prof. King | 10 Comments

Presentation Reminders

Please be certain to follow the file naming protocols for the uploads – see course syllabus. Keep in mind each team will have 15 minutes to present.

Posted in 04 Team Presentation - Bldg Analysis, Prof. King | Leave a comment

Rubric for first team presentation

AR.2330.BTECH3 Presentation 1 Rubric

Posted in 04 Team Presentation - Bldg Analysis, Prof. King | Leave a comment

Please Categorize your posts and check for comments

Please be sure to categorize your posts based on Assignments.  Also check to see if I have left comments and please make the corrections I have asked for.

Posted in Prof. King | Leave a comment

Presentation Notes & Clarifications

You do not need to solve the issues now – your goal is to identify and clarify the problems that you will resolve moving forward during the semester-  For the presentation you can work in any software provided the end … Continue reading

Posted in 04 Team Presentation - Bldg Analysis, Prof. King | Leave a comment

Exterior Facade Materials Checklist

Please use the follow list to select your exterior wall materials and area of research

Posted in Prof. King | 2 Comments

Required Reading – The Building Site

Please read the following sections of the first chapter of: Building Construction Illustrated by Frank Ching The Building Site – Chapter 1  (1.02-1.21 & 1.32-1.34) You will find this helpful for you site analysis process

Posted in 00 Readings, Prof. King | Leave a comment

Please read all of my new posts!

Please make sure you read the three posts below regarding – Team Interviews Team Schedules Required Uploads before the next class Hint:  On the right hand side you can select the category for me – (Prof. King) and this will … Continue reading

Posted in Prof. King | Leave a comment

Comments on Team Interviews

I read through all of the team interviews.  I quite liked those that told me something unique about you as an individual.  There were also several that noted their favorite architect or used quotes.  I also liked that many of … Continue reading

Posted in 01 Team Interviews, Prof. King | Leave a comment