Upload Due – Clarification

I was asked the question if there was an upload due before the next class and I believe I misspoke.  There are two uploads due before next class:

1- Team schedule – signed by all team members – scanned and uploaded as a jpg to the OpenLab site.  Use categories.

2- AutoCAD upload – each individual student – uploaded to blackboard by midnight before the next class meets.  This AutoCAD file should include a minimum of one attempt to figure out the structural grid of the building.  Include the following information and have a layer for each.

  • Grid Lines
  • Dimensions – from grid line to grid line
  • Building Perimeter
  • Columns

Additionally come to class prepared with all of the ingredients that will be part of your presentation as follows::

  • Your building analysis (of student project)
  • Your Autocad File
  • Notes/Sketches on your case study visit
  • A listing of program spaces – rooms by type and sq ft.
  • Site analysis notes/sketches based on your visit to the site.
  • Preliminary ideas about the materials each of you is considering for your building.
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