Class Info

  • Date: Saturday, March 25
  • Time: 1:00pm-5:10pm
  • Meeting Info: Class will meet in Room V814

To-Do Before Class

  • Continue work on Module 2 drawings


  • Wall Section Details


  • Review Important Conventions/Details of Wall Sections
  • Review Module II Drawing Progress (Plan Detail + Axon Detail+ Wall Section)


  • Looking at Architecture: Pinterest Drawing Shopping
  • Poll Everywhere:
  • Poll Everywhere text: jmontgomery978 to 37607
  • Module II Drawing Assignment Demo Continued
      • Wall Section
  • Break
  • Module II Drawing Assignment Progress Review
    • Plan Detail + Axon Detail + Wall Section

To-Do After Class

  • Read BCI on Structural Forces, Components, Typologies: 2.10-2.17, 2.19, 2.21-2.27, 2.36
  • Submit scanned + formatted Reading Notes+ Sketches
  • Due Thursday April 15, 6pm to dropbox here


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