Class Info

  • Date: Saturday, February 18
  • Time: 1:00pm-5:10pm
  • Meeting Info: Class will meet first at Federal Hall, 26 Wall St then in Room V814

To-Do Before Class

  • Submit Stairs notes/sketches to Dropbox


  • Stairs
  • Architectural Drawing


  • Review and Discuss Stairs, Design, Codes
  • Review progress on Floor Plan and Building Section, Discuss Elevation


  • Group #1 Presentation: Stairs
    • Discussion
  • Questions on Reading Notes/Sketches/Presentations
  • Review progress on Floor Plans+ Building Sections: Breakout Rooms per Presentation Groups
  • Break
  • Architectural Drawing: Building Elevations
    • Grid
    • Conventions
      • Columns
      • Frieze
      • Pediment
      • Stairs
  • Review Dimensions
  • Module I: Case Study Floor Plans and Sections and Elevations

To-Do After Class

  • Read Ching BCI on Building Materials 12.02-12.08, 12.10-12,12
    • Submit scanned + formatted Reading Notes+ Sketches
    • Due Thursday March 4, 6pm to dropbox here 

  • Module I: Case Study  Elevation + Continue Floor Plan + Section
    • Continue development and finish by Class 5.
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