Class Info

  • Date: Saturday, February 4
  • Time: 1:00pm-5:10pm
  • Meeting Info: Class will meet in Room V814

To-Do Before Class

  • Submit The Building + Building Elements Reading 1 notes/sketches to Dropbox (see schedule page for link for submission for this reading. Be sure to double check your submission is properly formatted according to the submission requirements here)


  • The Building+ Building Elements
  • Architectural Drawing (Floor Plans)


  • Understand Best Practices for Reading Notes
  • Discussion of Reading 1: The Building + Building Elements
  • Review progress on Geometry/Order Diagram
  • Overview of Floor Plan Drawing


  • Review and Discuss Reading Notes, Student Samples, Best Practices
    • Previewing
    • Annotating
    • Paraphrasing
    • Summarization
    • Concept Mapping
  • Discussion of Reading 1: The Building + Building Elements
  • Review Presentation Protocols
  • Questions of Reading Notes/Sketches/Presentations
  • Review progress on Geometry/Order Diagrams: Breakout Rooms per Presentation Groups
  • Break
  • Architectural Drawing: Floor Plans
    • Grid
    • Conventions
      • Stairs
      • Windows
      • Doors
      • Poche
      • Reflected Ceiling Elements
      • Geometry of Windows at Front and Read Facades
  • Review Dimensions
  • Module I: Case Study Order and Geometry Diagram

To-Do After Class

  • Read Ching BCI on Egress A.10-A.11
    • Submit scanned + formatted Reading Notes+ Sketches
    • Due Thursday Feb 18, 6pm to dropbox here

  • Module I: Case Study First Floor Plan
    • Continue development and finish by Class 3.

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