The ARCH 1231 Course Hub is the central location of information and support resources for all sections of Building Technology 1 offered each semester. There you will find the course syllabus, assignment information, tutorials, and much more. Please take some time to explore the hub and all of its offerings as you progress through this class. While the information presented by your professor in your specific section of this course is paramount and should be followed above all else, the hub is a resource intended to support all students and professors who participate in this course.
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Lynn Gernert
Course Location + Time:
Voorhees V-305
Tuesdays 8:30am-12:40pm
Office Hours:
Tuesdays 12:45-1:45pm
Thursdays 1:30-2:30pm
Office Hours Zoom Link:
Email me for time + link
Contact Email:
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Library Information
Ursula C. Schwerin Library
New York City College of Technology, C.U.N.Y
300 Jay Street, Library Building - 4th Floor
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