The first instrument I played was a piano, I don’t remember what age probably nine or ten. I saw a keyboard at my godmother’s house and watched her play, I was fascinated by it. I really love the way it sounded, so the next day I told my mom that I want a keyboard and she got it for me the next week. The school I was attending at the time didn’t offer music classes so I learned by myself. I looked up keyboard tutorials on youtube, I learned many songs from memory first song I learned was Fur Elise, my mom was happy and proud that I learned so fast. I loved to keyboard it’s an amazing instrument but it just wasn’t it to me as time went on. Once I got to middle school I was in band class, the instrument I picked was the clarinet, a clarinet is a woodwind instrument much different than the keyboard. However, with this instrument, I actually learned the notes and chords first hand which was a better experience for me. The clarinet was more difficult because its a woodwind instrument for instance when you play you to blow a certain way it will make a bad sound if you don’t blow right.  I learned pretty fast and got good grades in that class, we even performed on stage for my school but as a group no solos. While playing the clarinet I even started to learn the harmonica but the didn’t last long, my apartment is surrounded by instruments. 

Although the clarinet was an amazing instrument as well I didn’t keep playing it I wasn’t that into it only in the beginning. Before I went to high school we had orientation, during orientation we did many exercises with the other students, in one of the exercises we did was learn some chords on the guitar that made a song. Through this exercise, we got some experience with the guitar to see if we wanted to take the class.

I had a guitar at home all my life but never played it so I thought might as well take this as an elective. Once school started we started off with some basic chords, I caught on pretty quick the guitar is actually easy to learn, I did my own independent research because we were going at a slow pace. So I had some extra practice with it I liked playing the guitar it was like me doing something fun. I did well in this class too, my teacher said we can take the class again next year, so I continued taking that class for three years straight so I can learn everything hand-on instead of self-learning. I played this instrument for years without getting bored or uninterested, I felt this was my instrument. When people said a job is not a job when it’s something you enjoy I understood because when I had assignments to do, I doing something I wanted to do so it wasn’t like work to me, it was just me playing. I played songs for my mom and she would sing to them and still does just not as much. I played for a lot of people in my family, they all knew I loved the guitar, my dad even surprised me with an electric guitar for Valentine’s day.

So basically, throughout my whole school career, I played a different instrument, all of them very beautiful and amazing but just not the ones for me.  Until I met the guitar I found “the one” you could say. The guitar was the one instrument I stuck with and still love to this day. Playing the guitar is more like a hobby for me, I don’t see myself being able to make good money with it.

 I played a couple of instruments to find the instrument that was for me and more my comfort zone. You shouldn’t subject a field to one expectation, explore the field, and try different things.