
Welcome to Learning Places: Understanding the City.

Mondays & Wednesdays 1:00PM – 3:05PM
Class 33108, Section D962-LEC



This special topics course offers an interdisciplinary approach to investigating our built environment using a case study focused on a specific place each semester. This course combines physical examination with information research and data collection using methodologies developed in multiple disciplines. Students from a variety of departments engage in on-site exploration and in-depth research of a location in New York City.

2 thoughts on “Welcome

  1. it was a fun first day of class, the interviews gave us an opportunity to meet and learn a bit about each other. the marshmallow challenge took that a step further because it was a group activity which involved everyone working together towards the same goal so we had to communicate with each other and share ideas about how to complete the assignment which proved useful in many ways. we became better acquainted with one another, we learned from each other because during the assignment, the two architectural students in my group wasted no time formulating a plan and building the structure while myself and the other student in my group still considered how to best approach the task, but they carried us along with explanations and we assisted where we could and the time limit made the task a bit of a challenge but if not i am confident we would have made a very solid structure.

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